yeah definitely felt the green screen. was thinking how some of it just felt a bit too fake and not gritty enough even though still cool
that gonna be the last mad max movie ever probably or what?
Apparently he has the next story ready to go but Furiosa kinda bombed so whether or not he'll get financing again :itsamystery: I'm praying
With Tony directing
I bet none of them suspected Gandolfini was a couple years away from one of the towering performances of all time
Viggo too really although you can already see his brilliance and subtlety come through in Crimson Tide
Domino top 5
Saw it when it came out and only remember Kiera Knightley's ass crack
Saw it when it came out and only remember Kiera Knightley's ass crack
Mo’nique was good too
Mo’nique was good too
What is that editing though Jesus
Michael Bay done right
Reminds me of the one time I greened out while Natural Born Killers was on tv which just made the bad trip way worse
But would yall take Tony Denzel or Spike Denzel ?? :mystery:
Like you wanna say Spike but you know he loved those Tony Scott films
The Last Boy Scout is def #1 for me
Haven't seen that
looks crazy im gonna go in blind
@twinkletoez @Elric
But would yall take Tony Denzel or Spike Denzel ?? :mystery:
Like you wanna say Spike but you know he loved those Tony Scott films
Yeah I was just thinking I need rewatch those. Haven't seen any of em since they came out.
Safe to say i will not be anywhere close to reaching my 250-300 film goal this year
Might not hit 75 tbh not been in the mood at all