goat show
Not got around to it yet tbh. Been on my watchlist for years by now, too many movies and shows to catch up on
Not got around to it yet tbh. Been on my watchlist for years by now, too many movies and shows to catch up on
its my favorite oat for a reason.
its never mentioned in the big 5 like that and i get why cause it def has its flaws but def check it out
its my favorite oat for a reason.
its never mentioned in the big 5 like that and i get why cause it def has its flaws but def check it out
Yeah I'll def watch it someday (already have had it downloaded for years besides s2 which was somehow not included in the torrent) but been in more of a movie mood lately and finishing up Deadwood/Succession/Curb on the tv front.
How’s sbth not there when he gave it a zero?
at least cudi took an artistic risk and tried to make something meaningful
the albums he listed are just soulless pieces of trash
How’s sbth not there when he gave it a zero?
How is Kid Cudi's 'Speeding Bullet 2 Heaven' not here when he gave it a zero?
list is on point tbh no idea who doug walker is tho
Youtuber who does movie reviews
How’s sbth not there when he gave it a zero?
Nevermind I just watched the vid
Yeah I'll def watch it someday (already have had it downloaded for years besides s2 which was somehow not included in the torrent) but been in more of a movie mood lately and finishing up Deadwood/Succession/Curb on the tv front.
yeah take your time.
plus its a heavy ass show, like it really eats away at you if you let it lmao
i bought the box set years ago, finished my fifth rewatch just at the tail end of last year.
finished twin peaks 2 days ago bruh idk what to do now, probably just rewatch fargo lmao
at least cudi took an artistic risk and tried to make something meaningful
the albums he listed are just soulless pieces of trash
how was rebirth not an artistic risk
list is on point tbh no idea who doug walker is tho
that nigga made an album ?????????????????????????????????////
yeah take your time.
plus its a heavy ass show, like it really eats away at you if you let it lmao
i bought the box set years ago, finished my fifth rewatch just at the tail end of last year.
finished twin peaks 2 days ago bruh idk what to do now, probably just rewatch fargo lmao
5 rewatches damn And how'd you like it?
Can't go wrong with rewatching Fargo, first 2 seasons are classics
Hannibal/Justified are also pretty good if you haven't seen them yet and are looking for something new.