Because he’s a f***ing dork that thinks judging an album nobody cares about from a man that is mentally unstable shows how “fair” he is. Him even mentioning that s*** is the reason I dislike him
Fantano must be autistic or sumn
Fantano must be autistic or sumn
Nah he’s just a loser that prolly watched lost boys growing up and was bullied for looking like fat Corey Feldman, f*** em
I don't get Nav hate lmao
Man just raps about money, clothes and hoes over trap beats
You don’t have to like lil d***y or his music but professional rapper definitely isn’t a 15 worst album of the decade lmao.
Seems like he done did something personal to you so I'll leave you with your opinion
Youtuber who does movie reviews
I love that he got the Slipknot singer involved in it
Slipknot dude really thought he had one with this one
Also why is Yeezus not on the list
Yeezus is overrated but not trash
To me its like a 6.5 out of 10 tbh
It definitely cant stand next to MBDTF song for song or as a whole body of work so I feel like the critical praise it got was gassed