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  • Beautiful Morning

    We just got f***ed by Duke not like we're faring better

    Boogie Fland coming back for the tourney so we’re winning the whole damn thing.

  • HaroldsChicken

    I played halo with him when I was in a place surrounded by roaches


  • Now my roaches are just stupid niggas and crackers on ktt

  • HaroldsChicken

    Now my roaches are just stupid niggas and crackers on ktt

    Just @insertcoolnamehere next time man

  • HaroldsChicken

    Long con that man has never disrespected me like that coon

    It'll come to light someday

  • 61 page fantano thread is nasty i can't let this go further it's off topic anyways
    have a blessed Sunday

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