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  • Apr 17, 2020
    JT is Electric

    He is a big music reviewer. The only one of this generation with such a large audience so you are right. I dont get the Fantano hate. He’s never done anything despicable.

    inb4 MBDTF score and its redux

  • Apr 17, 2020
    3 replies
    JT is Electric

    rateyourmusic. com

    just looking at this for the first time, why would anyone want to use this..

  • Apr 17, 2020

    DBR 3/10

  • Apr 17, 2020

    u underestimating fantano's influence online

    i've seen mass people d***ride/turn on albums n artists cuz of him its wild

    thats such a small fraction of music listeners tho

    Fiona's reception is already massively high critically and publicly its not gonna falter because melon head didn't like it. maybe on KTT and RYM which are also small zones but cmon

  • Apr 17, 2020
    1 reply

    ktt surely wating for this review like its detox

  • Apr 17, 2020

    ktt surely wating for this review like its detox

  • Apr 17, 2020
    1 reply

    just looking at this for the first time, why would anyone want to use this..

    it’s put me on to a lot of music. People like seeing what others think about certain albums and songs. Its a lot of in depth review of albums and why they like and/or dislike it. Pretty cool. Much healthier place for actual music discussions than most places

  • Apr 17, 2020

    Or NOT if you can actually think for yourself

  • Apr 17, 2020
    5 replies

    “Public perception” no one knows who she is bruh I’m kinda pissed I know who she is

  • Apr 17, 2020
    2 replies
    Charcoal Baby

    “Public perception” no one knows who she is bruh I’m kinda pissed I know who she is

    she's been around nearly a quarter of a century, has multiple platinum albums and a grammy winner

    why are yall so ignorant

  • Apr 17, 2020

    Maybe on RYM and Reddit sure

  • Apr 17, 2020
    1 reply

    Fantano is so f***ing powerful, you guys have no idea. He changes peoples lives, just by snapping his fingers. I heard he controls the underworld and holds "Eyes Wide Shut"-like s***parties with hundreds of beautiful naked women and famous politicians. You guys need to be careful, this Fantano dude is someone you should not f*** with. At all.

  • Apr 17, 2020

    I think he'll give a lukewarm review for the views and stick it with a 7 or an 8 to seem like an independent thinker. But he sucks anyway so who cares

  • Apr 17, 2020
    Charcoal Baby

    “Public perception” no one knows who she is bruh I’m kinda pissed I know who she is

    come on bro this just you being ignorant

  • Apr 17, 2020

    Need the review so ktt can discuss his opinion for 102+ pages

  • Apr 17, 2020

    Dang Foreal he could just give an average score and it would have people s***ting themselves

  • rvi 🐸
    Apr 17, 2020
    2 replies

    just looking at this for the first time, why would anyone want to use this..

    best music database where you can keep track of music you listen to and music you want to listen to in the future. the number scores dont really matter that much and arent as useful as just getting lists of stuff of a certain genre/subgenre/country/time period etc

  • Apr 17, 2020
    1 reply
    Charcoal Baby

    “Public perception” no one knows who she is bruh I’m kinda pissed I know who she is

    nigga YOU do kno who she is

  • Apr 17, 2020
    2 replies

    Y'all are taking this way too seriously

  • Apr 17, 2020

    Y'all are taking this way too seriously

  • Apr 17, 2020
    1 reply

    best music database where you can keep track of music you listen to and music you want to listen to in the future. the number scores dont really matter that much and arent as useful as just getting lists of stuff of a certain genre/subgenre/country/time period etc

    b**** we have each other added on there

  • Apr 17, 2020
    JT is Electric

    nigga YOU do kno who she is


  • rvi 🐸
    Apr 17, 2020

    b**** we have each other added on there

    lmao oh

  • Apr 17, 2020

    Damn Fiona Apple really using all the promo money on ktt threads.

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