game LOOKS amazing so far
huge fan of Far Cry 3 and 5
however it isnt next-gen, it's cross-gen which could limit the size of the world and lore and story overall, shame
will be a ubisoft mid game as usual
Far Cry 5 wasnt mid at all
neither was AC Origins
nor The Division series
i mean The Division 2 had a rocky launch but rly came together after some time
sure, lots of Ubisoft games are mid but those are not
game LOOKS amazing so far
huge fan of Far Cry 3 and 5
however it isnt next-gen, it's cross-gen which could limit the size of the world and lore and story overall, shame
FC2 and FC5 was absolutely peak FC imo. All games were good aside from spin-offs. Cant wait for this one.
Do we really need another Far Cry game
Why doesn’t Ubisoft release a sequel to their greatest game OAT and the most fun platformer i ever played
Rayman Legends
I hope this is good. I refuse to finish Legion or Valhalla
i refuse to try them until after Far Cry 6
Far Cry 5 wasnt mid at all
neither was AC Origins
nor The Division series
i mean The Division 2 had a rocky launch but rly came together after some time
sure, lots of Ubisoft games are mid but those are not
hate shooter looters, so i never played the division. Origins was great, the best Ubi Game since Far cry 3/Black Flag.
But Far Cry 5 was some mid. Story started strong but ended terribly. Gameplay, characters and Open World were decent and nothing special.
Far Cry 5 wasnt mid at all
neither was AC Origins
nor The Division series
i mean The Division 2 had a rocky launch but rly came together after some time
sure, lots of Ubisoft games are mid but those are not
FC 5 and The Division series epitomize mid.
Far Cry was a fun sandbox that mostly lacked substance a was super repetitive. The story was meh and had a bad ending, and the mechanics of how they forced you to do s*** really hurt the immersion and enjoyment of the game for me.
if this isn't next gen only it will be trash
if this isn't next gen only it will be trash
cross gen
Now you know why it was delayed and we still dont have gameplay yet.
S***s gonna delayed again
cross gen
Now you know why it was delayed and we still dont have gameplay yet.
S***s gonna delayed again
nah man they cited 90 day delay due to Covid like many other game and film studios
and im expecting the game to be more than mid but i dont expect it to be groundbreaking
the story and things to do in these games are all i need especially in co-op with my friends
the swimming and flying and the wild overall action in FC5 is more than enough of a reason to play it