  • Nov 29, 2023

    my fashion sense is cooked.
    anyone got some pages worth following?
    trying to find some new inspo in anything

  • Nov 30, 2023

    all these pages do is moodboard s*** from movies so just watch some movies and replicate the swag.

    follow the pages and you're gonna end up a statistic

  • Dec 3, 2023
    1 reply

    Streetnightlive and blackbird spylane newsletter

  • Mozumozu

    Streetnightlive and blackbird spylane newsletter

    ignore these so-called authorities unless you want to simply look like everyone else

  • Dec 4, 2023

    IG mood board scene is a massive circlejerk now so I stay away from all that, at this point I just try to find origins of stuff and follow the source than the watered down endless reposts through a dozen hiddenNY clones

  • Jan 20
    1 reply

    @Vox i feel like you linked some books or a magazine before, but you got any good fashion magazines you like reading?

  • Jan 20
    1 reply

    @Vox i feel like you linked some books or a magazine before, but you got any good fashion magazines you like reading?

    Can't think of anything rn but let me get back to you

    Btw can you link me that record labels thread you made a while back

  • Jan 21
    1 reply

    Can't think of anything rn but let me get back to you

    Btw can you link me that record labels thread you made a while back

    no worries man

    and i think this is the one, but lmk if it's something else

  • Jan 21

    no worries man

    and i think this is the one, but lmk if it's something else

    This is the one, thank you

    Also I can't think of anything I would have recommended to you that hasn't already been posted in here