The two in the OP are f***in crazy. Love alice
Also good username @VICKILEEKX best mixtape ever
This is literally a rectangle
What is wrong with minimalism? Or the colours that go so well together? The fact that it is 1/4 of an X, Jamie being one of the 4 members of the xx, whose covers always have a large x on them
If you people do not stop f***ing with me I’m going to KTT2 hq and blowing up the servers. You’ll be forced to go outside. Don’t tempt me I’ll f***ing do it!!!
Kod cover mad underrated
What is wrong with minimalism? Or the colours that go so well together? The fact that it is 1/4 of an X, Jamie being one of the 4 members of the xx, whose covers always have a large x on them
There's a thin line between minimalism and really really simple/lazy
that reminds me of that one guy who tried to say cole stole the cover and was being a creep but turned out to be a liar and a white guy
There's a thin line between minimalism and really really simple/lazy
What’s the line
What’s the line
Idk I didn't go to art school but if I was a art teacher and a student brought me back a f***in rectangle he getting suspended
The one cool thing smokepurp has done
that reminds me of that one guy who tried to say cole stole the cover and was being a creep but turned out to be a liar and a white guy
Cole didn’t pay for the cover tho lmao