I dunno about lean but when I get tired of eggs I switch to avocado toast (I use Dave’s Killer Bread). Idk how organic or lean that is but that’s me
i fw a good ramen in the morning ngl
or just a bunch of chopped veggies w beans and chorizo
Eggs salmon kiwi avakado toast
nuts, seeds, greek yogurt, whey protein powder dark chocolate, berries, eggs, kefir, banana, avocado
Eggs are so versatile. Impossible to get tired of them tbh. Just gotta introduce some new ingredients or cook them differently.
Soft boiled, bacon, english muffin for the yolk
Scrambled with salsa
Hard boiled with bagel seasoning
Frittata muffins, frozen and ready to be put in the toaster oven
Eggs from hell leftovers
i love freaking my eggs
coffee, black
joint, single
water, iced