Never seen these
They legit sweet tasting?
It's candy. They were very popular in the south. Especially among youth.
It's candy. They were very popular in the south. Especially among youth.
Yea i remember these candies
Terrible influence lol
Yea i remember these candies
Terrible influence lol
Imagine them trying to market these in this day and age...
Imagine them trying to market these in this day and age...
Not happening
And i understand why lol
Newport platinums before I quit a year ago. Best cigs I’ve had along with green American spirits
Nah i dont think ive seen em here
They good?
they strong af, a pack will last you way longer
I mostly smoke lucky strike without additives
I cant stand cigarettes with menthol or any extra taste tbh
Started w these
then switched to these
then to to these
and once in a while these
then my uncle got cancer from smoking, then beat it, then got cancer again and died and then I quit right after and haven’t smoked in 9 years
they strong af, a pack will last you way longer
Lemme see if i can cop a pack in the capital of my country
I mostly smoke lucky strike without additives
I cant stand cigarettes with menthol or any extra taste tbh
Better off rolling your own then tbh
Started w these
then switched to these
then to to these
and once in a while these
then my uncle got cancer from smoking, then beat it, then got cancer again and died and then I quit right after and haven’t smoked in 9 years
Good on you for quitting bro
S*** aint easy
My grandpa died of cigs and alcohol
And i got tons of cousins who smoke
I might just start vaping soon