Op smoke some weed bro leave them cancer sticks alone fam
Weed is just as cancerous as the cigs, forget the myth of “weed is healthy and don’t give you cancer”.
Embrace your heroism with open eyes
Used to smoke cigs. It was 100% Newport 100s
This. If ur answer isnt this i know you're white lol
dont smoke anymore but it was all cowboy killers for me
dont smoke anymore but it was all cowboy killers for me
Lol that’s marb reds rite
Lol that’s marb reds rite
yeah i was really out here smoking a pack of em a day
yeah i was really out here smoking a pack of em a day
Got damn that’s a lot lol how u end up quitting
Got damn that’s a lot lol how u end up quitting
it's hard but it can be done. I went from a pack and a half to 10 a day, to 5, etc. tapering down helps a lot.
first month is hell, after that it's kind of like being on auto pilot...
the cravings never really go away, I still want a cigarette every now and then, but then when I think about how crappy it made me feel (breathing suffered, breath and clothes smelled, made lips chapped) I just decide not to do it. I just roll a joint instead.
I quit unless im hammered but every time i spark up a Marlboro 27 I remember why i used to smoke
menthols are terrible, used to smoke marlboro reds and camel(blue box) and random loosies