  • Oct 26, 2019

    Hello everyone in the gaming zone, which let's players on EvilTube, I mean, YouTube do you all like watching?

    I like blind let's plays but I am very picky on let's players

    My main Let's Player is NintendoCapriSun. I like his commentary more than anything, he gets into some pretty deep stuff sometimes when he has time to talk and he is like a good friend who is always there to listen to. He might not appeal to many at first due to his weird commentary and voice but if you stick around you'll find to enjoy him a lot more than you ever thought you would. I know from personal experience but I also can attest that the same happened for my father, brother, and a very close friend as well. You'll find a lot to like about him and not much to dislike.
    NintendoCapriSun also has a huge catalog of Let's Plays from :
    Ocarina of Time
    Majora's Mask
    Wind Waker, and pretty much every other zelda game minus a few
    Banjo Kazooie and the sequel
    Conker's Bad Fur Day
    Paper Mario, and the Sequel, and Super Mario RPG
    Many of the Mario games
    Mega Man 1 through 11
    Mega Man X 1 through 3
    Ace Attorney Series and Miles Edgeworth Investigations
    Plants Vs Zombies

    and MUCH MUCH more

    I highly recommend checking out his oracle of ages and then oracle of seasons let's plays or his Ace Attorney let's plays. Anything is good, his Majora's Mask let's play a fan favorite and I agree it is outstanding I have watched through it more than 5 times I have lost count. The oracle of ages/seasons let's play as well I must have watched it 6 times already and it was released just 3 years ago and I may have watched it more than that. The Ace Attorney games are really fun to watch too.

    Check him out!

    I also really like

    MegaFreak400 his let's plays of Donkey Kong Country 3 and Paper Mario -- and any of his videos from that era are very informative and he was one of my favorites for a while

    ClementJ642 is another great LPer notable for his Mega man Let's plays (many of the mega man series) he goes into great detail

    and I'll mention just one more for now since I don't want to lose you but he has some of the best let's plays ever. and that is

    Lancun -- his Metroid let's plays are all legendary. Just watch out if you don't like gamers who swear.

  • Oct 26, 2019

    No one watches any let’s players ??

  • kainie 🌌
    Oct 26, 2019

    I watch Chuggaconroy as of recent. That's a good one