The killed him
Not shocked
FOX actually pressing a Trump lawyer
Murdoch put in the calll
Might be having them change their line
i really hope this maga s*** becomes a massive source of embarrassment for these people but i know it wont play out that way
Crine the Pence just being crossed out at the end there. I need the type of fans trump got tbh you need to support me to a deranged level
Can’t imagine what it would be like to live in Florida, must be wild
Can’t imagine what it would be like to live in Florida, must be wild
I had a dream recently that Florida seceded and changed its name to “Trump” and honestly I don’t think that’s the most outlandish scenario at this point
predator missile inbound
I had a dream recently that Florida seceded and changed its name to “Trump” and honestly I don’t think that’s the most outlandish scenario at this point
Wild when you really think about how the demographics of the state are actually much less conservative percentage wise than a state like Missouri for example.
There’s a much higher percentage of moderate to progressive Democrat voters in Florida than a lot of other southern states, and it’s typically been a pretty “purple” state (though less recently because of the Latino shift to GOP), it’s just that the conservatives are SUPER loud about it there lol.
Wild when you really think about how the demographics of the state are actually much less conservative percentage wise than a state like Missouri for example.
There’s a much higher percentage of moderate to progressive Democrat voters in Florida than a lot of other southern states, and it’s typically been a pretty “purple” state (though less recently because of the Latino shift to GOP), it’s just that the conservatives are SUPER loud about it there lol.
Fair point. FL also has DeSantis which makes the whole thing that much worse. As a progressive who formerly lived in Missouri though I can confirm you’re right on that part
This article reads like parody what a f***ing b**** this man is
Wild when you really think about how the demographics of the state are actually much less conservative percentage wise than a state like Missouri for example.
There’s a much higher percentage of moderate to progressive Democrat voters in Florida than a lot of other southern states, and it’s typically been a pretty “purple” state (though less recently because of the Latino shift to GOP), it’s just that the conservatives are SUPER loud about it there lol.
Not a small part of those types are people mad that Fidel seized their family plantation
“What are you gonna do FBI? Arrest me?”-Man arrested by the FBI.
Repping my home county
Trump breaking news every Monday
I got five passports i'm never going to jail
They still think Biden lost the election?