  • Oct 24, 2021


  • Oct 24, 2021

    Honestly feel the same about this like I do with Runaway

    Both are undeniably dope but I just don’t feel the same way about these tracks like the majority

    I wouldn’t say those are the best songs by either artist tbh idk why I don’t see it

  • Oct 24, 2021

    Classic song on a classic album

    Another classic so so soon

  • Oct 24, 2021

    Classic song on a classic album

    Another classic so so soon

  • Oct 24, 2021
    1 reply

    Love me some DAMN appreciation its a phenomenal album

  • Oct 24, 2021

    And then i take two puffs


  • Oct 24, 2021

    Unrelated..well kinda related

    But the album that he samples from is so dope

  • Oct 24, 2021

    You're absolutely right

    I'm talkin' fear, fear of losin' creativity
    I'm talkin' fear, fear of missin' out on you and me
    I'm talkin' fear, fear of losin' loyalty from pride
    'Cause my DNA won't let me involve in the light of God
    I'm talkin' fear, fear that my humbleness is gone
    I'm talkin' fear, fear that love ain't livin' here no more
    I'm talkin' fear, fear that it's wickedness or weakness
    Fear, whatever it is, both is distinctive
    Fear, what happens on Earth stays on Earth
    And I can't take these feelings
    With me so hopefully they disperse

  • Kaiserschmarrn

    Love me some DAMN appreciation its a phenomenal album

  • that first verse is too real man

  • Oct 24, 2021

    First verse hits

  • Oct 24, 2021

    Probably my fav song on DAMN

    Album is great

  • Oct 24, 2021
    mr get dough

    niggas will call an album w songs like this trash then go listen to some pure mid

    The album is mid this song is great though

  • Oct 24, 2021


  • Oct 24, 2021

    Top 5 Kendrick imo

  • Oct 24, 2021
    1 reply

    DAMN. man, what an album, classic, Kendrick’s best

  • Oct 24, 2021

    This song is the one

  • Oct 24, 2021

    Kendrick Lamar is the greatest rapper of all time

  • Oct 24, 2021

    just remembered this song was playing when i got caught smoking at like 15 chorus was playing too when i got yelled at

  • Vlonely 🦍
    Oct 24, 2021


  • Oct 24, 2021

    Album is aging so good

  • I beat you ass, keep talking back

  • Oct 24, 2021

    DAMN. man, what an album, classic, Kendrick’s best

  • Oct 24, 2021

    You press play

    You immediately notice the sample is unmatched and The Alchemist created a timeless masterpiece with this beat, s*** is unreal

    For any other artist beat would’ve carried but this is Kendrick we talking about

    First he starts the song with eerily pitched down stanza asking God why do we suffer? What’s the point of going through this damned human experience? People are going to keep sinning so Why doesn’t God just burn us all in the fires described in revelation rn?

    A sobering thought indeed... but just as you start drift into deep thought and ponder the fate of the world you are smacked in the face with a jarring performance of those same lines again backwards only this time higher pitch and more emotionally intense.

    But it’s the first listen. You didn’t know those where the same lines. You had to do a whole dive on google to figure out what the backwards lyrics meant so as for the first listen you are completely mystified

    Then you hear the line

    “I beat your ass keep talking back” as if Kendrick is threatening himself to stop rapping backwards

    “I beat your ass who bought you that, you stole it”

    Your in the first verse. As the verse continues you realize Kendrick is performing from the perspective of his mother beating fear into him for his every childhood infraction in masterful fashion. The intense performance triggers memories of your own childhood. The concept is coming together.

    The hook comes on... “If I can smoke fear away I’d roll that mf up... and then I’d take twoooo puffs”

    the stacked/pitched vocals are executed to perfection. As the line hits you feel like you just hit a blunt yourself.

    “I’m high now.....AH.... I’m high now... AH”

    The line dances on time with the sample

    You realize this is one of the greatest songs you’ve heard in your life and there is still nearly 5 minutes left. You start wondering what other magnificence lurks around the corner

    In a melancholic, hopeless, yet emotionless and monotonous tone Kendrick begins the second verse.

    “I’ll probably die anonymous, I’ll probably die with promises, I’ll probably die walking back home from the candy house...”

    Kendrick continues the verse with these fatal scenarios, each line equal parts clever, profound, and heartbreaking.

    The hook grips you again, then the third verse begins:

    “When I was 27 I grew accustomed to more fear... accumulated 10 times over throughout the years”

    Wait a minute. You recall the ending of the first two verses:

    “...7 years old think you run this house by yourself”

    “...I’ll probably die cuz that’s when you do when you 17”

    You shake your head in astonishment and say to yourself this nigga is the motherfucking goat as Kendrick continues to unravel the fear that comes along with his present circumstances as a young black artist struggling to come to terms with his own success.

    As the verse comes to a close you hear:

    “What happens on earth stays on earth and I can’t take these feelings with me so hopefully they disperse, with in 14 tracks, carried over wax, wondering if I’m living through fear or living through wax”

    You realize the entire album is to purge himself of these impure emotions, FEAR, LUST, PRIDE, he can’t take any of that with him. S*** is deep. Damn

    The song then closes with a bridge sung by Bēkon damning us all and Kendrick’s uncle putting down some heavy hebrew israelite game

    You leave the experience changed forever, knowing you will NEVER hear anything remotely like that ever again.

  • This why Kenny stands out from those lyrical miracle niggas.

    They can't do this.