i’m starting to treat earth like it has a consciousness itself, probably why i constantly dream of a green society
My cat grabs huge lizards that try to come in from the garage
I’ll grab a napkin, pick them up and bring em outside rather than murder them
Strange looking spiders get murked though
Ive been that way since i was a kid, I always carry bugs and spiders outside.
My new thing is feeling guilty while eating meat, s*** sucks.
u can always try cutting down, it can be gradual, but it also doesn't have to be all or nothing
animal life is on a different type of time but smashing bugs for no reason is unnecessary and also quite nasty. I wouldn't look at it as some crazy change of heart or a big personality breakthrough
Ive been that way since i was a kid, I always carry bugs and spiders outside.
My new thing is feeling guilty while eating meat, s*** sucks.
shedding tears all over dem ribs and s***
This happened to me a few years ago. I try to take them outside unless it’s a really fast spider or my girlfriend is scared and just wants me to kill it.
I like animals over humans but I can draw the line between pet and food
why do you draw the line?
why do you draw the line?
Some make good pets while others make for good food. Other animals feel this way too so why should we be any different?
Deadass went through this for some years now. Like them nasty ass stink bugs I used to just step on em and rarely still do but now I’ll sweep them up and throw them outside.
But if it is a fly or a spider they getting killed
You must not live in an area with water bugs I’d put them through an extermination so violent that hitler would be jealous
lol wait til you start feeling guilty about eating meat
i'm mostly vegetarian now not fully
They don’t even have a nervous system to feel pain. So I mean, they not really suffering if you kill them.
The most “sentient” bug there is, is a certain species of jumping spiders. After watching a documentary about them I would never kill one of THOSE ones ever again, I just gently sweep Crodie in the dust pan and toss em out into a bush or the grass
lol wait til you start feeling guilty about eating meat
i'm mostly vegetarian now not fully
Just when I thought you couldn’t possibly be anymore pathetic
Some make good pets while others make for good food. Other animals feel this way too so why should we be any different?
because you're smarter than them?
because you're smarter than them?
Not necessarily. Because they hold nutrients for us. Same with us and bears or other animals above us which is why we stay away from them
@op you might have been a Jainian in your past life
These people walk with a facemask and broom everywhere they go, they clean the path they walk so they don't squish any potential microscopic life.
Their diet is even stricter than the vegan one, as they avoid some vegetables like potatoes because they consider some of them are living beings (mostly the ones with visible roots on them)
"She asks me to kill the spider.
Instead, I get the most
peaceful weapons I can find.
I take a cup and a napkin.
I catch the spider, put it outside
and allow it to walk away.
If I am ever caught in the wrong place
at the wrong time, just being alive
and not bothering anyone,
I hope I am greeted
with the same kind
of mercy."
Rudy Francisco