DavidP went from a hero to a villain, and i'm here for it. f*** yall lol
People always disliked david from his first day of posting
People always disliked david from his first day of posting
trust me, i know. but i've seen niggas that rocked with him switch up too
This album confirmed to me even they you claim to hate critics everyone got upset when it got 10 on P4K
I love the album but I’m not going out of my way to defend a white woman
this your own personal rule ye?
unless ur a complete old head you have no idea if people slept on illmatic or not lol
internet forums exist of people not really caring about it. add onto that the poor sales the album had i would say it's pretty obvious that people slept on it
internet forums exist of people not really caring about it. add onto that the poor sales the album had i would say it's pretty obvious that people slept on it
not many ppl had inet back then tho
my nigga it took 2 years to go gold
yeah i know but saying i looked at that forum on ktt1 and its not saying all that much
many 90s milestones didnt go gold to this day
come to realize this is a fiona apple thread so no idea why were even discussing this
lol you only need a little background on the album to know. It got rave reviews but didn’t sell for s*** when it debuted, and only sold more as the years went on.
yeah fetch the bolt cutters isnt that type of album no matter how much you try to twist it into reality
I can't believe people have spent pages trying to make a stupid offhand comparison between Illmatic and Bolt Cutters work Drogon probably typed the first good album that came to mind
The praise did kind of seem forced imo, it was kind of just the right moment for her to get praised
idk I thought it was pretty f***ing incredible and I still think that so maybe suck my balls OP
I tried to play it cause everybody was praising this album and couldn't make it pass two first songs.
It's just some b**** grunting and croaking over okay tier music should've known to never press play in a first place after all this pitchfork enravishment
Also: just because Pitchfork gives something a 10 doesn't mean anything. It's 2021. Pitchfork f***ing sucks.
It doesn't mean you have to go into a record a preconceived bias, ESPECIALLY when it's an artist you aren't even a fan of. That s*** is corny as hell.
Idler Wheel will always be the Fiona Apple album for me. I love her other stuff, but hearing that from her after years away was a total sucker punch. Straight up amazing examination of mental illness, toxic relationships and unchecked emotion. The stripped down piano and percussion arrangements hit hard.
Bolt Cutters does the same kind of thing, but it's less fragile and cracked, more about empowerment and fighting to overcome circumstances. That's great, of course, and it's an excellent album, but Idler Wheel connects with me more.