  • Nov 23, 2022

    “It was just being available for s***in any form, whether that was in person when he was in town, whether it was photos, and to engage in sexting when he wanted it to happen,” she said. “There was an urgency to his needs that didn't account for my needs or what was going on in my life or my situation or my whereabouts. When he wanted sex, it was expected that I would be up and ready for it, because it was so nice of him to make time for it or something.” If she didn’t send him what he wanted, she claims, he would be emotionally manipulative: “He would make you feel so bad about it. You’re being cut off from contact if you don’t agree to sexual favors.” (Women previously interviewed by Pitchfork also described receiving unwanted sexts from Butler, and feeling pressured to reciprocate or send explicit photos or videos. And like Sabina, they also claimed that he told them to keep their interactions a secret.)

  • Nov 23, 2022

    On August 30, Sabina sent Butler a long message, enumerating an array of personal challenges and work and school obligations, telling Butler that his erratic availability and fixation on getting s***from her made her feel like she was “not even a person.” “Thanks for your note,” Butler responded, then continued texting her through the night about wanting to see her. Finally, he wrote “Wanna come By ? Going to bed now if you aren’t down. Goodnight,” and sent two photos reviewed by Pitchfork, including one that appeared to show him masturbating in graphic detail. He continued texting without response as night turned into morning, apologizing for the photograph and continuing to ask if he could see her.


    It wasn’t their last interaction. Sabina and Butler saw each other a few times in 2018, which she now regrets. “The last time we had s***was because I finally lived alone,” she said. “I remember being like, ‘Well, I have to have s***with him, because he always wanted me to live alone and now I did it, so it seems like a waste not to do it.’ Which is so f***ed up. That final time didn’t feel good and I didn't feel any kind of connection to him. That was definitely the moment where I was over it.”


    According to Sabina, she remains haunted that she didn’t cut Butler out of her life after receiving the explicit photograph in 2017. “If you are in an emotionally abusive relationship it makes you feel better to tell yourself that this was all for something, that their outbursts were mistakes and that you meant something to the abuser, that you still hold value in their eyes,” she said. “But the only value I ever held for him was performing sexual acts whenever he wanted.”

  • I’ve never listened to Arcade Fire before but I don’t think “Manipulative, Toxic” Behavior warrants a news story

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply

    All power to #metoo but seriously wtf is this chatty patty s*** 😭😭

  • Nov 23, 2022

    All power to #metoo but seriously wtf is this chatty patty s*** 😭😭


  • Who in their right mind publishes this thinking i or any other reader needs to know it ? He sounds like a d*** and I wouldn’t want him dating a family member or someone I cared about, but what else am I supposed to get out of that? See him as an abuser ?

  • Nov 23, 2022

    breaking news rockstar f***s groupie

  • Nov 23, 2022

    This is how you know journalism is dead

  • Nov 23, 2022

    Pitchfork will post anything, he a d***head, this is not a news story