  • Mar 30, 2020

    I've spent the last year getting super into film photography and thought I'd make this thread just to see what you guys are shooting with, how you're developing your pictures and obviously just to see some of your pictures!

    I've spent the last year mostly just doing street photography and candids of my friends with a point and shoot Pentax Espio 80 (I absolutely love this camera) and practicing portraits with a Minolta X-370. I recently just upgraded to a Minolta XD which is on its way to me now. I ended up sticking with a Minolta because the lenses are amazing for the price and the cameras themselves are so reliable.

    I've been dropping my film off at a local lab to get developed and then I've scanned them myself with an Epson V370 flatbed scanner and I've had no issues with that so far. As far as film stocks go I've mainly just used cheap Kodak Gold and then Portra 160/400 for portraits. I might buy a Patterson tank and some chemicals to develop at home if this lockdown goes on much longer lol


    Figured it'd be a good time to share pics and setups since we all stuck inside anyways

  • Mar 31, 2020
    1 reply

    I have a dusty ass Pentax K1000. The light meter is not working so I have to use a phone app to measure the light or just my instinct.

  • Apr 9, 2020

    I have a dusty ass Pentax K1000. The light meter is not working so I have to use a phone app to measure the light or just my instinct.

    Yeah my light meter is pretty s***ty too, or trying to learn to go by sunny 16.

  • Apr 9, 2020

    I love taking pictures of people though and obviously that's not really popping off right now, but I updated my website with a lot of pictures I've taken over the past year and a half

  • Apr 12, 2020

    Is there a general photography thread or nah?

  • Apr 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Shooting with Contax T2

  • Apr 12, 2020
    1 reply

    How do you guys shoot indoors/no natural light?

  • Apr 14, 2020

    How do you guys shoot indoors/no natural light?

    I have a speedlite for my SLR, you set the ISO on it and lets out the right amount of light and I've gotten good results. Overall though I like shooting with natural light way way better. Once this quarantine ends I'm gonna get an LED light box with a diffuser that I can adjust the brightness and use that to shoot portraits.

  • Apr 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Shooting with Contax T2

    One of my dream camera, one day ima cop

  • Apr 28, 2020

    So I bought a kit to develop my own black and white film. The labs are taking forever to develop my color s*** so I figured I'd try out black and white so I can get something developed quick. Been fooling around with some self-portraits. What have ya'll been shooting?

  • Aug 13, 2020

    Haven't updated this in a while but most restrictions in my city have been lifted are our case count is very low so I've been back to shooting pics! Check my site:

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    I have a expensive ass Leica camera from the 1940s that some old man gave me a while back, I been wanting to get into it

  • Aug 14, 2020

    I have a expensive ass Leica camera from the 1940s that some old man gave me a while back, I been wanting to get into it

    Cop some cheap film and just start taking pics of everything! Those 1940s Leica camera still cost over a grande too so you got a gem there

  • Aug 16, 2020

    Anybody know the best camera to start off with filming? Or is a iPhonexr good enough?

  • Aug 17, 2020

    just copped a canon sure shot max

  • Aug 19, 2020
    1 reply

  • Aug 20, 2020
    1 reply

    Dope, what editing program did you use

  • Aug 21, 2020
    1 reply

    I love the film look but idk how to actually get into it lmao. I like the stuff ITT though

  • Aug 23, 2020

    I love the film look but idk how to actually get into it lmao. I like the stuff ITT though

    Just shoot film bruv. If you don't know much about photography get a cheap point and shoot, you can get fairly cheap reflex cameras too or why not you can start even a disposable camera

  • Aug 23, 2020
    1 reply

    usually shoot with my D-SLR but I have a Minolta XG7 I copped from fb marketplace earlier this year. been lazy in buying a new battery and some film for it, not even sure it works tbh lmao. anyone know anything about Minolta's?

  • Aug 23, 2020

    usually shoot with my D-SLR but I have a Minolta XG7 I copped from fb marketplace earlier this year. been lazy in buying a new battery and some film for it, not even sure it works tbh lmao. anyone know anything about Minolta's?

    I have a xg9 and i don't know if its working either. with a 200mm lense. ive heard godo things about the minoltas. Might have to take it to a shop to get it checked cleaned and serviced.

  • Aug 31, 2020

    Dope, what editing program did you use

    lightroom :)

  • Dec 23, 2020

    For the people wanting to get into film photography, check the Ricoh 500GX out its perfect for beginners (and also experienced ones).

    Small, cheap, metering works good, automatic and manual mode, sharp lens, double exposure lever, sturdy.

  • Jan 27, 2024

    Best colour and b&w films to get ?