  • Oct 23, 2019
  • Oct 23, 2019
    1 reply


  • Oct 26, 2019


    In indeed!

  • Nov 4, 2019
    2 replies

    F*** me nearly cried to this new trailer.
    Subtitles ain't all there, but they've nailed it on so perfectly with what this game means to everyone

  • in

  • Nov 5, 2019

    F*** me nearly cried to this new trailer.
    Subtitles ain't all there, but they've nailed it on so perfectly with what this game means to everyone

    This is hilariously dumb and genuinely touching at the same time.

  • Nov 5, 2019

    F*** me nearly cried to this new trailer.
    Subtitles ain't all there, but they've nailed it on so perfectly with what this game means to everyone

    That's pretty awesome

    I found a synopsis of it off reddit since a lot of the subtitles are missing

    Translation summary from

    The main character, which we’ll call MC for convenience, finds the CD 3 of Final Fantasy VII in his flat. His lover Kana, played by Misato Morita, felt nostalgic about the game and brought out the CDs. They don’t own a PS1 though. Later at work, MC chats about how he never played FFVII. His superiors start going on and on about how special FFVII is to those of their generation. How they remember meticulous stuff like the method to get the Knights of the Round Summon Materia. And how they are curious about what’ll happen with the remake.

    Back at home, MC is watching the latest FFVII Remake trailer and asks Kana about it. This triggers a flashback about how Kana would watch her brother play all the time. However, the last time Kana talked with her older brother was over 8 years ago when their father passed away. Kana mentions MC acting so uninterested is just like Cloud.

    The next day, MC gets more and more interested in FFVII but won’t admit it. Meanwhile, Kana starts thinking she should get in touch with her brother.
    MC and Kana meet at a bar and encounter an FFVII otaku there, played by Tetsuji Tamayama. Otaku guy starts explaining how everyone was into the game back then, whipping out the FFVII official strategy guide. The otaku guy is shocked to learn MC never played FFVII. He starts rambling about how youngsters who grew up with the internet don’t know anything. He asks Kana what scene left her with an impression, and she says stuff like Cloud cross-dressing or stuff about Aerith. Otaku guy cuts her off, as she shouldn’t say more. He basically mentions how Final Fantasy VII will always exist and never change, but a new era of Final Fantasy VII will start in 2020.
    We then get a bunch of flashbacks showing various japanese kids playing Final Fantasy VII. The otaku guy is narrating. He makes a huge deal out of Final Fantasy VII and how it revolutionized gaming. And how a similar revolution will again happen in 2020. Needless to say, this film is a commercial for FFVII Remake, so he didn’t mention that FFVII is a masterpiece but that FFVI is better.

    As the flashback ends, MC admits he’s jealous he didn’t get to experience FFVII back then, seeing how happy everyone seems when remembering it. Otaku guy retorts that people like him who played the original are also jealous of those like MC who will discover everything with FFVII Remake. Otaku guy says they should meet again after he plays the game, and leaves the bar, all while acting as if he’s riding a Chocobo.

    The next morning, MC and Kana promise each other they’ll get a PS4 and play Final Fantasy VII Remake together. But only when it releases, as MC didn’t realize the game wasn’t out yet. Kana’s brother sends her a message asking how’s she’s doing and if she saw the remake. They end up calling each other. We see the various characters, all wondering how Final Fantasy VII Remake will turn out. Happy end.

  • Nov 5, 2019

    Super in. GOAT game

  • Nov 5, 2019

    didnt really appreciate the original until i thought about it like years later. i think i like that its divided into parts, since that means theres more focus on things. i remember so much stuff i wanted to know more about or that i just didnt understand
    hopefully p5r comes out the same month

  • Nov 5, 2019

    gonna be game of the year 2020

    or my money the f*** back

  • Nov 25, 2019

    Some new screens and artwork came out


    Also a talk with the development team:

    Nomura: With regard to new characters, of whom I said during past interviews that there would be “none” – though they aren’t main characters, their numbers ended up growing considerably in the process of creating a rich depiction of Midgar. When you think of Midgar’s final boss, you probably think of the M.O.T.O.R., but in this game new bosses will appear and add to the excitement of the story even more.

    We’ve already begun working on the next one as well, but I’m confident that playing through this title will expand your expectations just like the world that extends beyond Midgar.

    Full article

  • Nov 25, 2019

  • Nov 25, 2019

    They really are going all f***ing out on this.

    The article chatting to all the producers etc.


  • Nov 25, 2019

    Can't wait for this

  • Nov 25, 2019
    1 reply

    The game looks so good. Imagine if they split the game into like 3 portions and they all went into such depth. I think in that case, I wouldn't mind waiting a while. Especially if each increment is a 50-hour long game.
    This and Persona 5 Royal I'm definitely pre-ordering

  • kainie 🌌
    Nov 25, 2019

    im just tryna find out how classic mode gonna feel in my hands

  • Nov 26, 2019

  • RASIE 🦦
    Nov 26, 2019

    The game looks so good. Imagine if they split the game into like 3 portions and they all went into such depth. I think in that case, I wouldn't mind waiting a while. Especially if each increment is a 50-hour long game.
    This and Persona 5 Royal I'm definitely pre-ordering

    I'm still super skeptical about this tbh. Hoping for the best, but expecting to be disappointed :/

  • Nov 26, 2019

    Still gobsmacked

  • Dec 3, 2019

    Its gonna be crazy

  • Dec 3, 2019

    If you like fan content and/or want to throw me some views... I just finished playing through this pretty good FF7 fan game called Regenesis to keep myself hype for the remake.

    The beginning of the game actually remakes the beginning of the bombing mission in RPG Maker and the rest of the game is filled with a pretty good story. They also definitely force you to relive a lot of FF7 moments.

    To my knowledge this is the first full playthrough on YouTube of the (poorly translated) English version of the game. Here's the playlist:

  • Dec 13, 2019
  • Dec 13, 2019

    That f***in moogle is hideous

  • Dec 13, 2019

    new trailer is

  • Dec 13, 2019
    1 reply

    Og better
