  • Been meaning to get into this in my backlog for a while. Gotten so many different confusing ways on how to play the game. I have all the DLC too downloaded.

    Do I Watch the movie first and then play the game. Watch the anime in between chapters hella confused. I just want to be able to get the full story

  • Oct 11, 2020

    don’t bother with that movie and anime lmfao just read what happens in those. mainly just prequel stuff. then play the base game and all the DLC after in this order - Gladio -> Prompto -> Ignis

  • Oct 11, 2020
    1 reply

    game was boring asl tbh

  • Oct 11, 2020

    If you want the full story definitely watch the movie as it sets the foundation for what happens early on in the game, not sure about the anime you could probably skip that. Play the base game & spend time with it don't rush through the story the game has so much to offer. once you beat it play the DLC's in release order, hope u enjoy man FFXV one of my favorite games of this generation and i don't use favorite lightly at all

  • Oct 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Been meaning to get into this in my backlog for a while. Gotten so many different confusing ways on how to play the game. I have all the DLC too downloaded.

    Do I Watch the movie first and then play the game. Watch the anime in between chapters hella confused. I just want to be able to get the full story

    Don’t listen to what anyone says. Watch the f***ing movie, watch the anime. You should watch the movie sometime after chapter 2. The anime, can be watched whenever really. I love this game and soundtrack tbh

  • Oct 11, 2020

    Don’t listen to any of the people above me. Do not watch the movie nor the anime and also never play the game

  • Oct 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Kingsglaive (the movie) is straight up, 1000% garbage lmao. It’s an unwatchable mess. Like at least with Advent Children it had some funny stuff in it, where it could be viewed as a so bad it’s good type deal. Kingsglaive though? Nah save yourself the hour and a half, and read a plot summary lol.

    The best way to go about it would be

    1. FFXV (up until Gladio leaves your party, and then comes back)

    2. Episode Gladio

    3. FFXV (up until Prompto leaves the party, and then comes back)

    4. Episode Prompto

    5. Finish FFXV

    6. Episode Ignis

    7. Episode Ardyn

    A Kings Tale is a cool, free beat em up, but it’s not very necessary to the plot at all. Same goes with the Platinum Demo. They both take place before Kingsglaive. The anime has lil cute scenes that help flesh out the personality’s of the characters, but the main game does that extremely well anyway

  • Oct 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Kingsglaive (the movie) is straight up, 1000% garbage lmao. It’s an unwatchable mess. Like at least with Advent Children it had some funny stuff in it, where it could be viewed as a so bad it’s good type deal. Kingsglaive though? Nah save yourself the hour and a half, and read a plot summary lol.

    The best way to go about it would be

    1. FFXV (up until Gladio leaves your party, and then comes back)

    2. Episode Gladio

    3. FFXV (up until Prompto leaves the party, and then comes back)

    4. Episode Prompto

    5. Finish FFXV

    6. Episode Ignis

    7. Episode Ardyn

    A Kings Tale is a cool, free beat em up, but it’s not very necessary to the plot at all. Same goes with the Platinum Demo. They both take place before Kingsglaive. The anime has lil cute scenes that help flesh out the personality’s of the characters, but the main game does that extremely well anyway

    Yea I’ve never played episode Ardyn but I don’t understand why everyone is suggesting the DLC’s at the end of base game. I inserted them into the story whenever a character disappeared and it flowed perfectly

  • Oct 11, 2020

    If you truly want the COMPLETE experience, then yes. The movie and anime OTAs are good to watch before starting the game in my opinion. They are by no means a necessity though.

  • Oct 11, 2020
    1 reply

    I have no idea what's going on in the story I'm just cruising around with my bros doing monster hunts and killing imperials. I love that you can listen to old FF soundtracks in this.

  • Oct 11, 2020

    game was boring asl tbh

  • Oct 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Yea I’ve never played episode Ardyn but I don’t understand why everyone is suggesting the DLC’s at the end of base game. I inserted them into the story whenever a character disappeared and it flowed perfectly

    Ignis is the only one from the boys where I would recommend after completing the main game since it goes into huge spoiler territory towards the end of the episode but yea the best experience is to weave it in with base game

    Episode Ardyn has some really great stuff in it, and technically could be played right before the final fight of the base game but I think the episode stands out way more if played after.

  • Oct 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Ignis is the only one from the boys where I would recommend after completing the main game since it goes into huge spoiler territory towards the end of the episode but yea the best experience is to weave it in with base game

    Episode Ardyn has some really great stuff in it, and technically could be played right before the final fight of the base game but I think the episode stands out way more if played after.

    Correct me if I’m wrong but do you have to complete the DLC’s before the game lets you play as the parties with their separate control schemes?

    That was such a dope part of the experience

  • Oct 11, 2020

    If you really enjoyed the story by the end of the game then consider jumping into the movie. The game is great on its own I loved it

  • Oct 11, 2020
    rise zero

    I have no idea what's going on in the story I'm just cruising around with my bros doing monster hunts and killing imperials. I love that you can listen to old FF soundtracks in this.

    i was listening to the IX and XIII soundtracks through the whole game

  • Oct 11, 2020

    Correct me if I’m wrong but do you have to complete the DLC’s before the game lets you play as the parties with their separate control schemes?

    That was such a dope part of the experience

    No actually! The ability to play as the 3 other boys is part of their individual upgrade trees. It does take quite of AP to eventually get that skill, but it’s worth the investment

  • Mr Big Dreams

    Don’t listen to what anyone says. Watch the f***ing movie, watch the anime. You should watch the movie sometime after chapter 2. The anime, can be watched whenever really. I love this game and soundtrack tbh

    In love with the game so far, movie felt like a dope 90 minute cutscene feel like would have made the beginning less immersive. Balls deep in chapter 3 already lvl 33 lol. Probably gonna do story non stop soon.