Yea the job market is cooked nowadays, never found it harder to find a job recently than all my years of job searching (I’m always searching)
bro the mining halving is this summer (programmed into bitcoin's code for the supply to become more scarce every 4 yrs making value go up) meaning it's about to pump again like 2020, 2016, 2012 (all the other times this same thing happened).
PLEASE listen to me and buy some lol . I want yall to come up. quote me on this in a year
Also it's not really shaky when there's Wall Street money in it now. ETFs and all that. Do your homework on Grayscale and Blackrock's hold on the economy (trillion dollar hedge funds that now are invested in bitcoin which they would NEVER anything that risky if they didn't see it as something here to stay)
You think companies like Blackrock don’t make insanely risky bets that have zero basis in reality lol?
You should look up this little time called 2008-2009
never getting into this bitcoin s*** after knowing at least two people irl who videogamed themselves over this
I feel like having connections in companies and expanding your professional network will open way more doors than your skills
sad truth
even in this new job, don't feel like there isn't something better out there for you
It's done insanely so much for me in the past 4 years joining my field.
I'm graduating later this year and it's overwhelming all the options I have for when I'm fully licensed. All started by just talking to people
never getting into this bitcoin s*** after knowing at least two people irl who videogamed themselves over this
I made a lot on it
In 2016
Gl to anyone thinking that's going to occur again
whats a solid stock? for lets say someone who doesnt even know what a stock is not me but someone else
whats a solid stock? for lets say someone who doesnt even know what a stock is not me but someone else
At this moment I don't know I quit paying a lot of attention like 2 years ago
I'd assume apple, Amazon, still just the big stuff like that. Tesla is probably riskier now than it was 2+ years ago. Personally I have a Roth at this point and that's it though
If I wanted to be risky I'd plop money into dollar general I swear theyre gonna blow up
Sorry I deleted my comment I didn't want to reply bomb the post
Congrats op. Job market these days is no joke. Make sure to network internally with your coworkers so they can give you references or jobs in the future, that’s key more than any amount of experience imo
i'm broke as s*** boutta put all my earnings into bitcoin. can't wait till that 1st check
dont do this fam"seek a financial advisor
when you
and my other two friends that visited me this past weekend are saying the same thing about bitcoin, something is off here.
everyone is talking about it and its not a good thing that everyone is talking about it
9/10 times youre right to think this but he's probably right in this case
you can see for yourself and make your own decision tho
bro the mining halving is this summer (programmed into bitcoin's code for the supply to become more scarce every 4 yrs making value go up) meaning it's about to pump again like 2020, 2016, 2012 (all the other times this same thing happened).
PLEASE listen to me and buy some lol . I want yall to come up. quote me on this in a year
Also it's not really shaky when there's Wall Street money in it now. ETFs and all that. Do your homework on Grayscale and Blackrock's hold on the economy (trillion dollar hedge funds that now are invested in bitcoin which they would NEVER anything that risky if they didn't see it as something here to stay)
Do you know how hedge funds work? Honest question
You think companies like Blackrock don’t make insanely risky bets that have zero basis in reality lol?
You should look up this little time called 2008-2009
No, they don't
Do you know how hedge funds work? Honest question
Trillion dollar hedge funds
whats a solid stock? for lets say someone who doesnt even know what a stock is not me but someone else
Feel like you should just put it in one of those vanguard type accounts and forget about it
It's bad out here. I do videography and haven't done a gig in 4 months. Thankfully, I have a deep savings just in case for something like this.
I have some gigs lined up in about another month as well as a passion project coming to life.
Freelancer? If yes, why not do videography for a stable company & do side gigs? That way you’re safe
Freelancer? If yes, why not do videography for a stable company & do side gigs? That way you’re safe
I'm good. Just came here to give my 2 cents
bro the mining halving is this summer (programmed into bitcoin's code for the supply to become more scarce every 4 yrs making value go up) meaning it's about to pump again like 2020, 2016, 2012 (all the other times this same thing happened).
PLEASE listen to me and buy some lol . I want yall to come up. quote me on this in a year
Also it's not really shaky when there's Wall Street money in it now. ETFs and all that. Do your homework on Grayscale and Blackrock's hold on the economy (trillion dollar hedge funds that now are invested in bitcoin which they would NEVER anything that risky if they didn't see it as something here to stay)
bro the mining halving is this summer (programmed into bitcoin's code for the supply to become more scarce every 4 yrs making value go up) meaning it's about to pump again like 2020, 2016, 2012 (all the other times this same thing happened).
PLEASE listen to me and buy some lol . I want yall to come up. quote me on this in a year
Also it's not really shaky when there's Wall Street money in it now. ETFs and all that. Do your homework on Grayscale and Blackrock's hold on the economy (trillion dollar hedge funds that now are invested in bitcoin which they would NEVER anything that risky if they didn't see it as something here to stay)
I was just about to buy some and spend it immediately like usual…
But I might hold some this time