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  • Jun 26, 2021
    1 reply

    If anything there would be a more mixed bag since this generation has the internet. But the internet is also the reason no one will get to superstar level because everyone has the attention span of a goldfish. Artists compensate by releasing albums back to back with deluxes to stay relevant but this just desensitizes people more and more

    makes sense, im also saying the young generation doesn't want cool s*** anymore.. like remember artists before and even like IG kids at the start they were like the cool kids, there was mystery now they all want artists that are super exposed on social media and basically influencers over actual musicians.

    There was a time when if you copy something you're seen as lame, these days the people who are the copy cats are the ones getting famous and the populace doesn't even care that its been jacked. 5 years ago if someone got exposed to jacking someones whole steez they would get called out and laughed at.

  • Jun 26, 2021

    makes sense, im also saying the young generation doesn't want cool s*** anymore.. like remember artists before and even like IG kids at the start they were like the cool kids, there was mystery now they all want artists that are super exposed on social media and basically influencers over actual musicians.

    There was a time when if you copy something you're seen as lame, these days the people who are the copy cats are the ones getting famous and the populace doesn't even care that its been jacked. 5 years ago if someone got exposed to jacking someones whole steez they would get called out and laughed at.

    true but its hard to keep up a mystique and be mainstream in this day and age just because it gets kinda corny and try hard after awhile (The weeknd and carti). Personality and image has definitely become way more crucial for an artist's success tho fasho

  • Jun 26, 2021

    yb sees big disconnect better

  • Jun 26, 2021
    1 reply

    No ones becoming a star cause the ones that have the talent and charisma are dying.

  • Jun 26, 2021

    That's literally every generation of music fans. You just seeing it now.

  • Jun 26, 2021
    1 reply

    No ones becoming a star cause the ones that have the talent and charisma are dying.

    No ones becoming a star because people’s attention spans aren’t long enough to appreciate good music anymore. There are plenty of brilliant artist that are geniuses by any eras standards but they don’t get the respect they deserve in modern times because people aren’t listening as attentively as they used to. Also it has become cool for everyone to become a critic and express they’re opinion 3 seconds after an album comes out and usually those opinions are negative bc of human nature to focus on what you don’t like more than what you do. It’s all perception.

    Me and my niggas hella greatful and eating tho. So much great music and we make sure we take the time to appreciate the hard work these artists are putting in bc we in the industry ourselves so we see s*** different than the average ungrateful “fan”

  • Jun 26, 2021

    No ones becoming a star because people’s attention spans aren’t long enough to appreciate good music anymore. There are plenty of brilliant artist that are geniuses by any eras standards but they don’t get the respect they deserve in modern times because people aren’t listening as attentively as they used to. Also it has become cool for everyone to become a critic and express they’re opinion 3 seconds after an album comes out and usually those opinions are negative bc of human nature to focus on what you don’t like more than what you do. It’s all perception.

    Me and my niggas hella greatful and eating tho. So much great music and we make sure we take the time to appreciate the hard work these artists are putting in bc we in the industry ourselves so we see s*** different than the average ungrateful “fan”

    I blame generic music, and trap has a lot to do with it. And deaths like I said. I think Pop, XXX, Juice and Von were mad talented.

  • Jun 26, 2021

    2 pages in and there’s not a single example, just a bunch of thinkpieces on what you feel is happening in the world

  • Jun 26, 2021
    2 replies

    Streaming had turned all forms of media into fast food s***.... no matter how good it is

    Everyone is obsessed with consuming the next new album

    No one is sitting with it. They’re moving on to the next new s***

    Music and movies and tv and video games aren’t works of art anymore. I feel like they’re being exploited more as just a product then as actual art nowadays

  • Jun 26, 2021

    There are still 14-15 year olds who know every classic Nas song by heart so Idk

    The difference is overstated, there will always be real ones who go back and study the greats regardless of which generation they were born in

  • Jun 26, 2021

    It’s always been that way, you’re just noticing it now because you’re older and the younger generation like different s***, prior to that you liked the up and coming artists because that’s what you heard growing up

  • Jun 26, 2021

    Yes because this is the generation of streaming music.

  • Jun 26, 2021

    who knows.

  • Jun 26, 2021

    You worried bout the wrong things

    The wrong thiiiinggssss


    Don’t worry bout it

  • Jun 26, 2021

    Didn’t read the thread but as a 25 year old, f*** them zoomers and their taste

  • Jun 26, 2021

    There are still 14-15 year olds who know every classic Nas song by heart so Idk

    The difference is overstated, there will always be real ones who go back and study the greats regardless of which generation they were born in

  • Jun 26, 2021
    1 reply

    millennials winning

  • Jun 26, 2021
    hot pancakes

    millennials winning


  • Jun 26, 2021

    Streaming had turned all forms of media into fast food s***.... no matter how good it is

    Everyone is obsessed with consuming the next new album

    No one is sitting with it. They’re moving on to the next new s***

    Music and movies and tv and video games aren’t works of art anymore. I feel like they’re being exploited more as just a product then as actual art nowadays

    Facts. Now we're getting so many reboots that the reboots are getting rebooted.

    And yeah....unless you're constantly chasing clout on social media or involved in a controversy, people tend to forget things pretty fast. Like that song "Mood" by 24kgoldn was one of the biggest songs of the 2020's in any genre yet it feels like "mysterious music." That's f***ing crazy.

  • Jun 26, 2021

    Streaming had turned all forms of media into fast food s***.... no matter how good it is

    Everyone is obsessed with consuming the next new album

    No one is sitting with it. They’re moving on to the next new s***

    Music and movies and tv and video games aren’t works of art anymore. I feel like they’re being exploited more as just a product then as actual art nowadays

    this is it, im watching less movies and more interested in youtube, my attention span has def gotten shorter especially since I always had a short attention span, tho I could watch a random podcast for like 2 hours if the guests are interesting.

  • Jun 26, 2021

    Da f*** you talking about op? This thread aint it. I think the one disconnected from music is you.

    I've seen plenty young girls go as crazy for Taylor Swift as women doubling their age. Same goes for Billie Eilish, Olivia Rodrigo, Ariana, BTS, etc.

    Even in male acts s*** is the same. Bad Bunny making everyone dance, Weeknd had the whole world singing Blinding lights.

  • Jun 26, 2021
    1 reply

    there is a huge void in rap as far as a Drake/Kanye/Cudi etc relatable artist for 23+ year olds

  • Jun 26, 2021

    there is a huge void in rap as far as a Drake/Kanye/Cudi etc relatable artist for 23+ year olds

    Rod Wave is trying to fill that void but the quality of music doesn't compare to their primes at all.

    Hopefully, he'll improve after his debut.

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