Tryna find my purpose
My passion is my desire
God give me the rebirth I need
Out of these ashes newfound Phoenixs eyes, sparks burned the bars of my cage
Once again you wasn't on my side
So I'm leaving again
Not gonna matter to you
Always tryna ruin my good moods
& You'll keep telling me how such and such thinks this of me y the f*** u ain't take my side y the f*** u always blame my mind and how I'm thinking ain't I your babygirl you have always believed in well I'm sorry I fell pretty far away 4m the regular degular barbie smarbie graduate life no I chose the GED good enough degree, and dropped outta college, it's been like 6 years since then my aunt says I ain't done nothing but I know that's only an opinion lotta white ppl gotta skewed view I would know I'm white I gotta skewed view too
This me talking about it has never been for them
Real eyes realize real lies and my eyes see perfectly
[[IDK MADE ME FEEL BETTER 4 NOW-- might need more editing, don't matter if this is my last year alive; I needed something 2 empress anyone who checks on my movements.
Pray 4 me.
Tryna find my purpose
My passion is my desire
God give me the rebirth I need
Out of these ashes newfound Phoenixs eyes, sparks burned the bars of my cage
Once again you wasn't on my side
So I'm leaving again
Not gonna matter to you
Always tryna ruin my good moods
& You'll keep telling me how such and such thinks this of me y the f*** u ain't take my side y the f*** u always blame my mind and how I'm thinking ain't I your babygirl you have always believed in well I'm sorry I fell pretty far away 4m the regular degular barbie smarbie graduate life no I chose the GED good enough degree, and dropped outta college, it's been like 6 years since then my aunt says I ain't done nothing but I know that's only an opinion lotta white ppl gotta skewed view I would know I'm white I gotta skewed view too
This me talking about it has never been for them
Real eyes realize real lies and my eyes see perfectly
[[IDK MADE ME FEEL BETTER 4 NOW-- might need more editing, don't matter if this is my last year alive; I needed something 2 empress anyone who checks on my movements.
Pray 4 me.
i appreciate your poem i know it came from the heart and know that many can relate in this modern age
Stick to your planet fitness job OP
That's what's up didn't know I had a job there too aight watch 4 me working on my fitness ayyyy
i appreciate your poem i know it came from the heart and know that many can relate in this modern age
Appreciate that
Is it present as a gift or PreSent like before sending out?
Thread should have stayed PREsent