so beautiful, i was having the time of my life listening to room of fools and now she follows up with this soul crushing stuff
man I F***ING LOVED THIS. if i don‘t manage to secure tickets tomorrow i might have to go ahead and kill myself.
this gujang-ish sound on keep it hold it right before the 3 minute mark
amazing little touch but stuff like this in music is exactly what i live for, so nice
I like this s***
need euro tour
"When a girl feels good, it makes the world go round;
When the night feels young, you know she feels pretty."
incredible vocal performance on wanderlust man
first part lowkey reminds me of Futura Free
great. she delivered yet again, amazing work of art. really can’t wait to experience this live
will be letting this marinate for a long time now but one thing I will say off first listen tho i feel like i enjoyed the first half of this significantly more
not that there would be a huge difference in quality or anything but i really just felt that energy, so infectious…. first half really so stacked