striptease - 24hr dog is out of this world, the peak of this album
CHARLI ToThe Dat way ➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️
i don't like her at all don't mix me up with those people I'm loving this album
I want to have an out of body experience in a packed club while listening to Striptease
I'm gonna dance blindfolded to this tonight
Between CAPRISONGS and EUSEXUA, twigs has completely turned me around on her. Where people thought she was making some of the best music of last decade, I'm just catching up to her in the 20s. THIS is my bag.
need fka twigs x aespa
Between CAPRISONGS and EUSEXUA, twigs has completely turned me around on her. Where people thought she was making some of the best music of last decade, I'm just catching up to her in the 20s. THIS is my bag.
Same fr I couldn’t get into her with LP1 and Magdalene when I was younger but these last two projects are HITTING. I think my music taste is in the right place now for her past albums so I’ll have to run them back soon
Same fr I couldn’t get into her with LP1 and Magdalene when I was younger but these last two projects are HITTING. I think my music taste is in the right place now for her past albums so I’ll have to run them back soon