  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Oct 18, 2022
    1 reply

    Ye is clearly being anti semitic.
    And shouldn't really be paid attention to right now with how he's acting.

    Be expecting way more from him if he gets on Rumble or that Parler s***.

    But I wonder if everyone would be as outraged if we switched "Jewish" with "white". For everything he said on twitter and on drink champs.

    I def Kno it wouldn't faze ktt at all.

  • Oct 18, 2022

    Kanye West being the cause of the 4th Reich is gonna be a crazy timeline

  • Oct 18, 2022

    Flakko a chat nigga

  • Oct 18, 2022
    Mmm Hmm

  • Oct 18, 2022
    1 reply

    please get a job op

    and @Knx cause you quoted it

    i have a job, i’m currently working, it’s not my fault i have a job that allows me a lot of free time

  • Oct 18, 2022
    1 reply

    Yeah assuming a platform that interviews countless rappers i never heard of is interviewing a rapper I never heard of is so weird

    Underlying c***tones in your statement

  • Oct 18, 2022
    1 reply
    John Madden

    Underlying c***tones in your statement

    Underlying bitter no jumper stan overtones in your posts

  • Oct 18, 2022
    1 reply

    Underlying bitter no jumper stan overtones in your posts

    Lmao you adding extras calling every black person whos violent a rapper is c**

  • Oct 18, 2022
    1 reply
    John Madden

    Lmao you adding extras calling every black person whos violent a rapper is c**

    Implying I know anything about no jumper other than them interviewing sound cloud rappers, nice narrative tho

  • Oct 18, 2022
    1 reply

    Implying I know anything about no jumper other than them interviewing sound cloud rappers, nice narrative tho

    "Hes black and hes on no jumper so he must be one of those rappers" - wt701

  • Oct 18, 2022
    John Madden

    "Hes black and hes on no jumper so he must be one of those rappers" - wt701

    Lmao you either dumb af or trying way too hard to play dumb to keep your lil narrative going

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Oct 18, 2022

    I feel like. From an obvious outsiders perspective cuz I don't know ye.

    I feel like he's educated to a degree of only by the people he surrounds himself with.

    In his early days we already know everyone that was around him and the type of influence that showed in his music.

    Clearly the Candace influence is once again evident and it's obviously detrimental to the man's image (not that he cares about it).

    If we were to go by how ye has explained himself (medicated) how he feels when he's unmedicated and going through an episode.

    He says he feels everyone's fake, out to get him, people are actors, man is in fear, paranoia.

    A whole lot of s***.

    We've seen how he acts when he's medicated and when he's not.

    There's a Big ass Difference.

    Do I truly think ye anti-Semitic?
    No (he spoke out on that s*** early before everyone did)

    He's not well (doesn't excuse his actions)
    But since we all know he's not well. We should at least move accordingly.

  • Oct 18, 2022
    hot pancakes

    Yeah I know this is a small show on No Jumper, and an even smaller, lesser known personality relatively compared to others in No Jumper, but it made me think....

    Is this just another example of Ye's influence? Is this why people are always so mad at him for speaking out of pocket? Because his ideas/thoughts influence others to speak on and agree with the hateful things he says?

    Timestamp: 15:25 (this is where it really picks up, but he talks about it beforehand)

    Spoiling bullet points because it echos Ye's anti-semitic comments

    - Says he sides with Kanye about his comments, specifically Kanye telling Jewish kids to ask their dads why he's mad at them
    - Says "they" run a certain sector and essentially own social media, banking
    - Says before we call it anti-semetic, address that


    I mean people have been saying these things and having these feelings for years, they called Ice Cube anti semitic decades ago lol. The difference is you can’t exactly just make Kanye go away especially when you doing stuff like taking down interviews lol it only fuels what he’s implying. Pandora’s box is opened and it only is gonna be closed when Ye album cycle done and he ready to go back to doing whatever for a year and a half lol

  • Oct 18, 2022
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    "Before we call it anti-semetic, address that".

    Aight bet. After y'all address that these are the same talking points of Hitler back in the day and Neo-Nazis today.

    It’s been a week of saying this and it’s not sticking

    Nobody wants to harm Jewish people because they want to have a conversation about what they may or may not own specifically as it relates to rap music and urban media lol. That’s why this is snowballing in the black community (at least from what im seeing online) because people know that’s bullshit and the fact that y’all going so hard with that narrative got folks feeling Kanye weird tap dancing ass on to something lol (not me tho I have nothing against the Jewish people)

  • Oct 18, 2022
    black hedi slimane

    this is bad real bad michael jackson


  • Oct 18, 2022

    i mean i thought it was common knowledge that the ppl who run s*** are largely jewish

    its still not ok to hate an entire ethnicity tho. like even still less than 1% of jewish people are running s***

  • Oct 18, 2022

    Ye is definitely full of s***. What’s really crazy to me is, a ton of widely accepted sentiments are just as dangerous and receive little to no public backlash.

  • Oct 18, 2022

    I used to be sure Ye’s not anti-semitic, more anti-establishment but the way he’s expressed himself lately is clearly on some right wing nut ass s***.

  • Oct 18, 2022
    hot pancakes

    and @Knx cause you quoted it

    i have a job, i’m currently working, it’s not my fault i have a job that allows me a lot of free time

    Arnold has the coolest room.

  • Oct 18, 2022

    It’s been a week of saying this and it’s not sticking

    Nobody wants to harm Jewish people because they want to have a conversation about what they may or may not own specifically as it relates to rap music and urban media lol. That’s why this is snowballing in the black community (at least from what im seeing online) because people know that’s bullshit and the fact that y’all going so hard with that narrative got folks feeling Kanye weird tap dancing ass on to something lol (not me tho I have nothing against the Jewish people)


    Nigga the whole "Jews run the media (newspapers) and banks" s*** is the most widely known anti-semetic conspiracy theory out there, and it was something that started back around after the first World War.

    It ain't about "wanting to harm Jews" or whatever the f*** you going on about. It's the fact that talking point is a legit conspiracy theory started by Hitler and still gets propagated by Neo-Nazis and dumbasses apart of QAnon to this day. The f*** you talking about "It's not sticking"? That's the main reason why people are getting on him about it. It has nothing to do with "him being on to something"