I feel like a lot of you are Easily swayed
Tell me you live somewhere flat without telling me you live somewhere flat
Attention? It’s been 20 years since he’s been relevant
You are acting like this is common
So rare they put signs up
Cali just got a season's worth of rain in a couple days too that's exactly how rock slides happen
I feel like a lot of you are Easily swayed
It's called empathy it's a normal part of human behavior. I take it you don't live in a state near the Rocky or Appalachian Mountains. Just any country with mountain terrain because this is a legitimate fear for people here
not sure what state nature tries to kill people off the most between cali and florida
maybe throw a state that always gets flooded in there too
Wild this “tragedy” has y’all talking about him again…crazy coincidence
Oh so it's envy and projection that caused your outburst. If you're jealous at least this thread provided the attention you were looking for so be satisfied for however long that lasts
How the f*** Flava Flav still alive shiiiit
Before Kobe, before Deebo!!!
I expected his ass to up and die
it's not just a boulder
it's a rock
Pioneers been driving these babies for miles
Glad hes ok thats some looney toons s***
Stop…what happened to that boulder? Don’t tell me that son of a b**** got away!!!!!!
@FrankWhite6779 Bro relax