Is this the first we hearing about this??
Pretty much. Knew it was done, coming soon and was called Shore
You sure it isn’t a single?
Yeah, reddit insiders saying its dropping 9:31 am est on Tuesday on streaming
Yeah, reddit insiders saying its dropping 9:31 am est on Tuesday on streaming
I saw a screenshot saying a 2021 release tho 🤔
I saw a screenshot saying a 2021 release tho 🤔
Just a placeholder date for vinyl and cd's
Album is indeed called Shore, but the leaked tracklist also has a song on it called Shore, so this could just be a single.
Album is indeed called Shore, but the leaked tracklist also has a song on it called Shore, so this could just be a single.
montezumzum Today at 10:11 AM
Robin how would you rate shore among other ff albums?
robinpecknold Today at 10:11 AM
Shore is best by far
robinpecknold Today at 10:11 AM
By far
Been waiting for some new Fleet Foxes.. Helplessness Blues for de summer and Crack Up for de winter