Could Floyd outsmart us all by not giving a f*** about an exhibition fight, since it won’t count in his official boxing record, and let himself get KO’d by Paul while also betting against himself for the craziest cashout of all time But would he ever get that greedy for money to be purposely get beat up by a YouTuber and ruin his legacy with a fixed fight?
Could Floyd outsmart us all by not giving a f*** about an exhibition fight, since it won’t count in his official boxing record, and let himself get KO’d by Paul while also betting against himself for the craziest cashout of all time But would he ever get that greedy for money to be purposely get beat up by a YouTuber and ruin his legacy with a fixed fight?
Are you f***ing stupid?? Mayweather values that 0 damn near more than anything. He would never.
Could Floyd outsmart us all by not giving a f*** about an exhibition fight, since it won’t count in his official boxing record, and let himself get KO’d by Paul while also betting against himself for the craziest cashout of all time But would he ever get that greedy for money to be purposely get beat up by a YouTuber and ruin his legacy with a fixed fight?
I don’t think you’re going to be allowed to bet on this fight
I don’t think you’re going to be allowed to bet on this fight
I heard some where that you could bet on exhibition fights not sure if true.
Could Floyd outsmart us all by not giving a f*** about an exhibition fight, since it won’t count in his official boxing record, and let himself get KO’d by Paul while also betting against himself for the craziest cashout of all time But would he ever get that greedy for money to be purposely get beat up by a YouTuber and ruin his legacy with a fixed fight?
R tarded take. Floyd's entire brand is built on being the best. How you gon let an entire brand identity die just to flip 1 fight? That would bleed into the rest of Floyd's earnings into the future
heart and determination, watched his boxing vid and started researching him more, definitely wants to become a real figure within boxing.
heart and determination, watched his boxing vid and started researching him more, definitely wants to become a real figure within boxing.
heart and determination, watched his boxing vid and started researching him more, definitely wants to become a real figure within boxing.
It's wild, people just refuse to see it smh
heart and determination, watched his boxing vid and started researching him more, definitely wants to become a real figure within boxing.
lost respect for floyd for taking these clown fights,
like you were one of the greatest ever just bow out gracefully or fight real fighters
Could Floyd outsmart us all by not giving a f*** about an exhibition fight, since it won’t count in his official boxing record, and let himself get KO’d by Paul while also betting against himself for the craziest cashout of all time But would he ever get that greedy for money to be purposely get beat up by a YouTuber and ruin his legacy with a fixed fight?
Floyd want to fight till he dies