wtf is up with these rules i feel like they tryna slip this by? believe this is a real fight,but why would a exhibition that doesn’t count on anyone’s record be judged and have winners/losers?
These pressers and this weigh in gonna sell the s*** outta this. You can feel the hype finally building at that media day thing they did.
There's no judges but if Logan even survives 8 rounds that's enough bragging rights for him
There's no judges but if Logan even survives 8 rounds that's enough bragging rights for him
If he actually knows how to use his size and intimidate Floyd a lil,he may be able to actually rough up Floyd a lil.
If he actually knows how to use his size and intimidate Floyd a lil,he may be able to actually rough up Floyd a lil.
If he can even touch him
If he can even touch him
I hope Logan isn’t throwing logs at one of the fastest defensive fighters of our generation
I hope Logan isn’t throwing logs at one of the fastest defensive fighters of our generation
I'd try to go into the body it'd be a lot easier than hunting his head.
I'd try to go into the body it'd be a lot easier than hunting his head.
Yep,he needs to take the Conor approach and use light taps to feel his way inside of Mayweathers guard. Hold as much as possible and work his body,only shot he has imo.
Yep,he needs to take the Conor approach and use light taps to feel his way inside of Mayweathers guard. Hold as much as possible and work his body,only shot he has imo.
Unless this is all just scripted
Unless this is all just scripted
Look lol,idk if it’ll be scripted or not but I do see Paul doing some shenanigans that will leave people talking
And the big 3 reasons why the price point for this is $50 has to that (obviously)this an exhibition,Logan isn’t getting paid nowhere near $100 million like Floyds other opponents and it’s on a Sunday
Logan does not use his size or punch hard for his weight tbh
pretty much a real novice boxer who did have some good counters against KSI
Floyd will start off real slow and walk him down and tee off him in the later rounds and get a TKO
Logan does not use his size or punch hard for his weight tbh
pretty much a real novice boxer who did have some good counters against KSI
Floyd will start off real slow and walk him down and tee off him in the later rounds and get a TKO
This sounds most likely
wtf is up with these rules i feel like they tryna slip this by? what’s Floyd weighing in at?
Yep,he needs to take the Conor approach and use light taps to feel his way inside of Mayweathers guard. Hold as much as possible and work his body,only shot he has imo.
You niggas really in here discussing ways to win and s***
You niggas really in here discussing ways to win and s***
We trying to hype this motherfucker up,in the end,it’s for #BRAGGINGRIGHTS anyway