The link is in the thread you troglodytes
The link is in the thread you troglodytes
u aint gotta call me a troglodyte
u aint gotta call me a troglodyte
I saw that edit
Link is fire
Logans not gonna hit floyd once
Logans not gonna hit floyd once
I'll bet $100
I saw that edit
its not that serious, all i removed was "my guy"
nice link but got a better link
its not that serious, all i removed was "my guy"
Nah you said "u aint gotta call me a troglodyte you fat baffoon"
I saw that!
Nah you said "u aint gotta call me a troglodyte you fat baffoon"
I saw that!
i could never call u a fat buffoon
i could never call u a fat buffoon
discord my man
that mf look good af
that mf look good af
Wingstop bussin