+10000 fans
Stupid ass fight
shut up man before j hurt u
floyd dont know wtf to say, hes like damn this wasnt part of my script
“10 million is pocket change, thank you all payperviewers”
Your white
this nigga acting like he came from nothing
floyd just got a bag
jake look like he tryna copy paul wall or some
Bro Vince has lost it smh creative is trash
“Talk it over with my team”
Loved the fight !!!!
well i did not have fun tonight
He laughing to the f***ing bank after this 😭😭😭
Thts me 😁
The ksi fight was definitely better.
Oh please shut the f*** up Logan
Y’all need to kill this “Logan Paul won” narrative b4 u actually start believing it
Logan threw a hundred more punches than floyd...
I want to fight Floyd Mayweather next
bro got some lunch money for his kids