Ocho made the night
hated seeing my guy get dropped but the next iAmAthlete gonna be so good
Logan put up Playoff Westbrook numbers
If Logan could take it all the way to 8 rounds, you gotta wonder what Jake would be able to do here
Floyd would’ve won by decision, but Logan not being knocked out or at least knocked down is embarrassing for Floyd
So who tf won? Smh
No official winner since its exhibition. Floyd outclassed him and made him miss everything basically. I genuinely don't think he landed a clean shot
If Logan could take it all the way to 8 rounds, you gotta wonder what Jake would be able to do here
If Logan could take it all the way to 8 rounds, you gotta wonder what Jake would be able to do here
Speaking of 50 million, do niggas know Marcus smart rap?
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0wWCx2LSVIQThis lowkey goes lol
https://twitter.com/RealSkipBayless/status/1401744671114547203finna be this for like maybe a month
floyd probably finna get a bunch of offers after this
If Logan could take it all the way to 8 rounds, you gotta wonder what Jake would be able to do here
I wonder what you're going to be able to do on the register man the line is getting pretty backed up start taking orders
h**** hours?
If Logan could take it all the way to 8 rounds, you gotta wonder what Jake would be able to do here
Pretty sure Floyd won’t fight Jake bc he knows it’s too risky