Miles Bridges >
! nigga he rapping with trash af. Miles flow nice af tbh
everyone gonna complain about how boring this fight was when no one gets knocked out
that's the real surprise
this tarnishes conor not floyd lol
Conor's definitely thinking why didn't he take this approach
f1 was more of a highlight today
Jaws😮 drop⬇️ to the floor🧱. Eyes👀 pop🎉 out✳️. Sound🔊 effect of 🔊AWOOGA📢 🔊AWOOGA📢!! Places🖐️ eyes👀 and jaw🦷 back🔙 in place😁. Regains composure🙂. Eh hem🤔, you👉👧 look👁️👁️ quite lovely.❤️👩❤️💋👨
Letting another nigga put his foot in their mouth area
Miles Bridges >
! smart be saying some wild s*** in his songs like he not a NBA player
Like with every Floyd fight, but they expected one against an amateur Youtuber to be different
You're posting this like I'm supposed to be embarrassed. And please don't misrepresent my argument. It's not that I could just walk up and beat up Floyd. Its, in a life or death scenario, there is no way I would let Floyd Mayweather beat me
Reach is obviously a huge factor
Significantly smaller man trying to hit younger,stronger man in the face really hard is a challenge,even if your Floyd Mayweather
damn right we're behind u