It is when you got a huge bag and not really a boxer
Age and size means nothing when you're outmatched in experience
That wasn’t my point and it does matter actually....when it comes to getting finished lmao
My point was he was most likely never getting ko’d to begin with lol not patting him on the back for that lmao
That wasn’t my point and it does matter actually....when it comes to getting finished lmao
My point was he was most likely never getting ko’d to begin with lol not patting him on the back for that lmao
Age and size does not matter vs a guy who's been boxing as long as you been alive and you've only been in 2 boxing matches in your life bro
Come on now
Again, for a dude who isn't a boxer and yo go all 8 rounds with one of the greats then I'ma give you some flowers
You don't have to, we can agree to disagree lol, it's not that serious
Age and size does not matter vs a guy who's been boxing as long as you been alive and you've only been in 2 boxing matches in your life bro
Come on now
Again, for a dude who isn't a boxer and yo go all 8 rounds with one of the greats then I'ma give you some flowers
You don't have to, we can agree to disagree lol, it's not that serious
Lol you just sound clueless lmao
Casuals be the worst parts of circus fights. The lines between real s*** and this s*** is blurred to them. Be tryna apply rational combat sports logic to s*** like this
Blows my mind that people really expected something out of this.
People who don’t really f*** with combat sports need to stop purchasing combat sport events. Same people complaining about last night probably expected Pacquiao/Mayweather to be Rock em sock em robots.
People who don’t really f*** with combat sports need to stop purchasing combat sport events. Same people complaining about last night probably expected Pacquiao/Mayweather to be Rock em sock em robots.
Lmaoooo be getting duped and get upset just to get duped again lol
People who don’t really f*** with combat sports need to stop purchasing combat sport events. Same people complaining about last night probably expected Pacquiao/Mayweather to be Rock em sock em robots.
I mean anything with Floyd is gonna sell
Then add a popular YouTuber with his fanbase then
The casuals are the ones who make up most of the tickets/sales
It's the entertainment business
Lmaoooo be getting duped and get upset just to get duped again lol
Idk why but a good number of people really expect boxing(and MMA) to be two people throwing straight blows with no defense or strategy. Watch Bare Knuckle Fighting if you want mindless violence,actual combat sports are considered sports cause there is a degree of strategy.
Anybody who bought this and thought this was gonna be a good match are the same people that pay for those Jake Paul fights lmao
Ochocinco was a undercard like come on
People who don’t really f*** with combat sports need to stop purchasing combat sport events. Same people complaining about last night probably expected Pacquiao/Mayweather to be Rock em sock em robots.
I’m not much of a boxing fan. Personally I don’t think this celebrity boxing s*** has much of a shelf life. Once you start implementing fabricated beefs and the fights aren’t remotely competitive. I think people will gradually start to dip. It’s just popular now but won’t last too long
I mean anything with Floyd is gonna sell
Then add a popular YouTuber with his fanbase then
The casuals are the ones who make up most of the tickets/sales
It's the entertainment business
They promised an 8th RD exhibition boxing match. This s*** could’ve been like Jones/Tyson where they mutually agreed not to hurt each other. As a fight,Paul/Mayweather gave me more bang for my buck than Jones/Tyson,the whole card was pretty good. I actually got more than what I expected.
Idk what people expected a boxing PPV to be.
Using Yanks as an insult like this the 1800s
All that “honor, legacy, and pride” just leads to racism and extreme nationalism lol
They promised an 8th RD exhibition boxing match. This s*** could’ve been like Jones/Tyson where they mutually agreed not to hurt each other. As a fight,Paul/Mayweather gave me more bang for my buck than Jones/Tyson,the whole card was pretty good. I actually got more than what I expected.
Idk what people expected a boxing PPV to be.
I mean I didn't pay for this or watch it (only saw the highlights) but if I did would of been happy it at least went the distance
I’m not much of a boxing fan. Personally I don’t think this celebrity boxing s*** has much of a shelf life. Once you start implementing fabricated beefs and the fights aren’t remotely competitive. I think people will gradually start to dip. It’s just popular now but won’t last too long
Paul brothers have just started a serious wave. There’s so much pressure on Woodley to take Jake out cause if he doesn’t,I think Jake is a cemented bonafide superstar after that fight.
I mean I didn't pay for this or watch it (only saw the highlights) but if I did would of been happy it at least went the distance
I had my dad and a couple friends watching with me yesterday,we are and were entertained throughout.
I had my dad and a couple friends watching with me yesterday,we are and were entertained throughout.
Well that's what I said
It's entertainment, if you bought this then you bought it for that and not for the matchup lol
Well that's what I said
It's entertainment, if you bought this then you bought it for that and not for the matchup lol
I bought it to see what Chad Johnson would look like and Paul/Mayweather. I knew the Hurd/Arias fight had potential and the Badou Jack fight could’ve been much better if the OG opponent didn’t get popped (Pascal)