lmao oh hell no they gave him the walmart great value water
Thats why he losing.
Dawg these niggas got me in tears
This hilarious 😭😭😭
how do i get my body like theirs
you fat?
This a former mma fighter getting pieced up by Chad Ochocinco yall
there’s nothing he cant do
Dude sucks tho man throwing punches with his head down and s***.
Streameast went out bruh
nigga fast as hell
ochocinco fast as f*** dog
Still up for me
Mines still up
not for me
Nah put chad on ALL these cards lmaooo
damn thats the last beer i have in the fridge
they been skipping for me
he deadass looks like Paul Williams 2.0 lmfao
Who got that stream
For YOU maybe, McDonald’s WiFi ass nigga
LMAOOOOOOOOOO this nigga taking video game swings
My stream went down brehs... somebody bless me
oh this only an exhibition?
all of them
even the main fight??