  • Don’t forget Foamstars, they aren’t called kills in this game. They’re called chills! Cause foamstars is all about having fun and sometimes players need to chill out!

  • Feb 6
    1 reply

    This game sucks

  • Feb 6
    1 reply

    This game sucks

    Yeah that was a fun 3 matches now I’m just getting steamrolled with garbage teammates

    It’s so joever

  • Banana Clip

    Yeah that was a fun 3 matches now I’m just getting steamrolled with garbage teammates

    It’s so joever

    I already uninstalled this type of game is not for me

  • Banana Clip

    Well splatoon is only on the switch which is an anomaly by itself as Nintendo doesn't really compete with the market of Xbox/Sony/PC

    Not saying there isn't a point, I'm a diehard Titanfall fan and have been playing that "dead" game since 2016 lol it just sucks when a game really clicks with you but doesn't have enough players to provide a varied experience.

    The "golden days" of online gaming like 07-12 I think were also a consequence of most players being funneled into the few "quality" games like Halo/COD, even if there were niche multiplayer games then too.

    Splatoon is also on Wii U

  • Feb 6
    1 reply

    i want a good PS multiplayer game that isnt Xbox's or a Splatoon knockoff that dies like those free multiplayer EA games i mentioned

    i miss Killzone and MAG and Socom

    i miss gaming lmao

    really hope Marathon is a W

    Have you tried THE FINALS?

  • Feb 6
    1 reply

    Lowkey you need a good team composition for this game

  • Feb 6
    1 reply
    AKA SB

    Have you tried THE FINALS?

    yeah its fire with my 2 mans but honestly solo play is no different than Apex haha straight ass

  • While this won’t be something I play a lot of I am glad it’s not another battle royale

  • Drezo

    Lowkey you need a good team composition for this game

    100%. I played one game and I got foamed up and 2 of my teammates were literally right next to me and didn’t f***ing slide to free me

  • Feb 6
    1 reply

    brother just breathe, there's 2 people in this thread portbegging Halo

    this Foamstars game has zero connection to the real world, let alone internet marketing it's gonna be another EA Rocket Arena or Knockout City

    and the internet continues portbegging Xbox games because they are actual good multiplayer games

    There's no way portbegging is an actual term, you made that up

  • Banana Clip

    Well splatoon is only on the switch which is an anomaly by itself as Nintendo doesn't really compete with the market of Xbox/Sony/PC

    Not saying there isn't a point, I'm a diehard Titanfall fan and have been playing that "dead" game since 2016 lol it just sucks when a game really clicks with you but doesn't have enough players to provide a varied experience.

    The "golden days" of online gaming like 07-12 I think were also a consequence of most players being funneled into the few "quality" games like Halo/COD, even if there were niche multiplayer games then too.

    Second paragraph is true. I was addicted to Multiversus but I kept playing the same people over and over again or couldn't even find a match sometimes

  • Huge Castillo Fan

    There's no way portbegging is an actual term, you made that up

    okay man i didnt but u can believe that


    yeah its fire with my 2 mans but honestly solo play is no different than Apex haha straight ass

    I’ve only played TF solo and still can’t put the controller down
    You’re absolutely right in thinking that the game relies on solid team synergy to win games, but I get an adrenaline rush regardless when completing the objective (in the ‘Bank It’ game mode) on my own, if my matched teammates suck lol
    Running to one specific location on the map to cash in towards victory and having to look over my shoulder for any potential enemies makes TF addicting as hell. (And for a free game, the visuals are incredible.)

  • Feb 6
    1 reply

    is this splatoon for straight ppl

  • Feb 6
    1 reply

    is this splatoon for straight ppl

    This highkey gayer. The character designs are all lgbt certified

    Source:me a fellow gay


    This highkey gayer. The character designs are all lgbt certified

    Source:me a fellow gay

    they outgayed splatoon thats crazy

  • Feb 7
    1 reply

    From a gameplay perspective, this game isn’t that bad tbh. They really should just make it F2P before the 15 minute spotlight is up though.

    I don’t know why studios/publishers continue to try making MP-focused games cost money, especially when they add MTXs to the game. I know they need to recoup development costs + profit, but that formula doesn’t work nowadays, lol.

    It doesn’t help that they took heavy inspiration from Splatoon so it’s already at a disadvantage.

  • i put an hour or so in just to get a real opinion

    i was right, it feels like Rocket Arena and Knockout City in so many ways

    its quality but limited, not addicting enough and no room for it in eSports

  • Feb 7
    1 reply

    From a gameplay perspective, this game isn’t that bad tbh. They really should just make it F2P before the 15 minute spotlight is up though.

    I don’t know why studios/publishers continue to try making MP-focused games cost money, especially when they add MTXs to the game. I know they need to recoup development costs + profit, but that formula doesn’t work nowadays, lol.

    It doesn’t help that they took heavy inspiration from Splatoon so it’s already at a disadvantage.

    I forgot which game it was, I think Fall Guys that said they started seeing a loss after the game went from paid to free to play so idk

  • Drezo

    I forgot which game it was, I think Fall Guys that said they started seeing a loss after the game went from paid to free to play so idk

    game was also playstation and epic game exclusive so not too surprising

  • I was genuinely excited for this since I love Splatoon, but idk, it's just fine, I guess?

    I will say the gameplay feels slow - a juxtaposition when paired the fast music.

    It also seems to suffer from Square Enix's crappy monetization, which is a shame because there's a lot of cool customization potential.

    Few games I've played so far have been fun though even if I don't know what's going on half the time, lol.