ive never been a fan of the song (even tho it does make sense in context of the album), but 4YEO is a really underrated album in cole's discog. Neighbors, Change, Immortal, & the title track especially will always be some of my fav songs of his.
His best album is within that album, I just think the sequencing is jarring to the story and maybe one or two songs I don’t feel are absolutely necessary
ive never been a fan of the song (even tho it does make sense in context of the album), but 4YEO is a really underrated album in cole's discog. Neighbors, Change, Immortal, & the title track especially will always be some of my fav songs of his.
Neighbors is probably the hardest song he's done
His best album is within that album, I just think the sequencing is jarring to the story and maybe one or two songs I don’t feel are absolutely necessary
It’s my favorite Cole album but I hear you
I think Deja Vu & maybe one of the Shes Mines could’ve been replaced
Album is like a successor to Truly Yours 1 tho & some of those songs should’ve been on this album
It’s my favorite Cole album but I hear you
I think Deja Vu & maybe one of the Shes Mines could’ve been replaced
Album is like a successor to Truly Yours 1 tho & some of those songs should’ve been on this album
Agreed on all of that. Still love it though truly feels like one of those hidden gem albums
everyone always talks about how corny this song is without acknowledging that thats the f***ing point of the song
when you get a girl and you're willing to do s*** for her to make her happy/smile that others would consider corny, lame or simping, thats what this song is about
convinced that everyone who dismisses this song has never done something corny to make their girl/partner happy
If you’ve never been in love you won’t understand this song. Haters exposing themselves as virgins.
Agreed on all of that. Still love it though truly feels like one of those hidden gem albums
Yeah you can tell this album was a personal one & for the day ones
His best album is within that album, I just think the sequencing is jarring to the story and maybe one or two songs I don’t feel are absolutely necessary
his storytelling on the album is def his best by far.
i understand why people don't like it, it's not what people were expecting - especially in 2016. His contemporaries were releasing increasingly dense, aggressive, and either more pop-friendly or bombastic albums, and cole comes just off of 2014FHD (a very pop friendly album) with something that's just borderline boom bap with very restrained instrumentals and a focus on measured vocals and straightforward bleak storytelling. people can say cole doesn't experiment, and that's fair to an extent, but doing that arguably at the peak of his fame right after his most successful album was an insane risk.
Facts. Amazing musically and the hate on the song proved the point of the lyrics. The message is great
It’s my favorite Cole album but I hear you
I think Deja Vu & maybe one of the Shes Mines could’ve been replaced
Album is like a successor to Truly Yours 1 tho & some of those songs should’ve been on this album
I wish "High For Hours" would've made it on the album too. Dope song.
his storytelling on the album is def his best by far.
i understand why people don't like it, it's not what people were expecting - especially in 2016. His contemporaries were releasing increasingly dense, aggressive, and either more pop-friendly or bombastic albums, and cole comes just off of 2014FHD (a very pop friendly album) with something that's just borderline boom bap with very restrained instrumentals and a focus on measured vocals and straightforward bleak storytelling. people can say cole doesn't experiment, and that's fair to an extent, but doing that arguably at the peak of his fame right after his most successful album was an insane risk.
You know the way you put it into perspective really makes me appreciate the album all the more honestly. 100% facts from top to bottom
That bass line is ridiculous man, some of y’all needed to hear Steve Lacy produced it to realize how great the beat is probably said it’s boring cause u thought cole produced
his storytelling on the album is def his best by far.
i understand why people don't like it, it's not what people were expecting - especially in 2016. His contemporaries were releasing increasingly dense, aggressive, and either more pop-friendly or bombastic albums, and cole comes just off of 2014FHD (a very pop friendly album) with something that's just borderline boom bap with very restrained instrumentals and a focus on measured vocals and straightforward bleak storytelling. people can say cole doesn't experiment, and that's fair to an extent, but doing that arguably at the peak of his fame right after his most successful album was an insane risk.
Yeah and he’s still paying for that risk, that was the turning point where the boring label really stuck. If he kept carrying over the FHD good will and momentum it would’ve been better for his career. But instead he used the opportunity and confidence that FHD’s huge success gave him and dropped a really special unique album.
I wonder how different things would’ve went if Bryson didn’t drop Don’t before Deja Vu, if that would’ve made any difference for the reception or if that song would’ve connected more
you not wrong, but you ain’t right
groovy song the concept was jus "corny" and cole my nigga but fam nah we cant be droppin joints bout foldin clothes for the women idc
His best album is within that album, I just think the sequencing is jarring to the story and maybe one or two songs I don’t feel are absolutely necessary
Javari should of made it
One of his best songs
High for hours too, could probably fit around change, neighbors and foldin clothes
album as a whole is much better than it’s given credit for. it hurts me cole hasn’t performed any of these songs of recent.
Yeah and he’s still paying for that risk, that was the turning point where the boring label really stuck. If he kept carrying over the FHD good will and momentum it would’ve been better for his career. But instead he used the opportunity and confidence that FHD’s huge success gave him and dropped a really special unique album.
I wonder how different things would’ve went if Bryson didn’t drop Don’t before Deja Vu, if that would’ve made any difference for the reception or if that song would’ve connected more
Yeah I agree. Personally I respect him for doing it and making such a personal album when the obv pressure would have been to chase the high off of FHD. He's a real one for following his own path with his post-FHD albums even in light of expectations and contemporary comparisons. It's a shame the criticism/backlash on social media to 4YEO & KOD got to him so much tbh. I agree with part of the critique that he was getting too comfortable with certain song formulas and compositions, but it was also interesting seeing someone at his stature just completely dodging all mainstream expectations whatsoever in such an individual way while still retaining such a big fanbase.
Ngl my girl ask me to fold clothes with her and I put the song on as a joke and realized it’s actually not a bad song