I usually knock the bowl over on purpose and replace it with a tray of watermelon slices.
man you evil af
eat a vegetable for once p****
I’m just not a fan of onions most of the times
Nopales can be hit or miss but it’s not something I’m reaching for when you got some Ranchera right there
the point is to eat the whole ensemble tho...
u missing half the meal
cebollas good as hell smh
big facts, with some lime squeezed on em
Potato salad because a lot of folks don’t make it right
On god. This and baked Mac n cheese. I always skip those cause if 1 ingredient is off the whole thing is off to me and I’ll end up throwing it away.
Idk what cookouts you going to but this ain’t being served where I’m at
People itt were hating on pasta salads thats why i posted the pic
Potato salad is disgusting even when made “right”
Ion eat beets
But that’s pretty much it, I’ll eat anything else fr
Potato salad is disgusting even when made “right”
ok whats your favorite food then baby palate ass mf
legend 😪
ok whats your favorite food then baby palate ass mf
I just said I’ll eat anything else
You don’t need to be a baby to not f*** with nasty ass potato salad. S*** looks like d*** cheese
I just said I’ll eat anything else
You don’t need to be a baby to not f*** with nasty ass potato salad. S*** looks like d*** cheese
ok baby 🥱🥱
ok baby 🥱🥱
You’ll regret calling me that
You’ll regret calling me that
lmao ok that was actually kinda funny
Anything is not a skip unless it has no taste
Cough cough my auntie but u can't tell her s***