just want to gauge factors that influenced your decision. Heres a link to a simple one question survey :
will share the results with you later.
Link the thread everyone thinking about
no multiple choice im out
Literally everything except peer pressure
The many other diseases and viruses that have essentially been eliminated by vaccines. This situation is no different. Google and social media “researchers” aren’t smarter than professionals. They just have more followers.
The many other diseases and viruses that have essentially been eliminated by vaccines. This situation is no different. Google and social media “researchers” aren’t smarter than professionals. They just have more followers.
there are two diseases in human history that have been eradicated
there are two diseases in human history that have been eradicated
Ligma and sugma
All of the options apply to me except the peer pressure one
choose what was most important for you
there are two diseases in human history that have been eradicated
Said essentially, as in they aren’t no where near of a problem as they were previously. Not eradicated. Like Polio.