  • Jun 7, 2020

    My mother's been dead for 23 years.

    It's funny. In American Culture, it's shameful to talk about death. It's shameful to publicly acknowledge the loved ones we have lost. My mother was murdered 23 years ago. Bill Clinton had just begun his second term as President. Charlie Hayes had caught the game winning ball to the 1996 World Series.

    I was a little boy left without a mother. There's a reason I don't believe in death. My mother never died. It says so on her tombstone.


    As a person, I am finally healing from her death. That is my life's greatest accomplishment.

    Before my mother died, she developed a devotion to the Virgin Mary, Our Lady. Jesus Christ has nurtured me like a mother and a father, but when I opened my heart, Jesus Christ gave me Mary as my mother. I have never been motherless. The fountain of love gushed forth for souls.
    The Virgin Mary loves me. And that's the only love I've ever needed. Jesus Christ died for me, and that's the only love that's ever been seeded. The Virgin Mary saved me from personal destruction, and that's the love that interceded.

    Thank you for your time.

    RIP to George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery

    To all who have loved and lost, there is life after death.

  • Jun 7, 2020


  • Jun 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Feel like when we β€ždieβ€œ we just leave this body , we just one with the universe (we all connected right now anyway )

  • Jun 7, 2020
    2 replies

    I just wanna die already

  • Jun 7, 2020
    2 replies

    very beautiful post, thank you OP

  • Jun 7, 2020
    krishna bound

    very beautiful post, thank you OP

  • Jun 7, 2020

    I just wanna die already


  • Jun 7, 2020
    krishna bound

    very beautiful post, thank you OP

  • Jun 7, 2020

    Feel like when we β€ždieβ€œ we just leave this body , we just one with the universe (we all connected right now anyway )

    Ok dis Evangelion

  • Jun 7, 2020

    The truth is that none of us really know if there’s a life after death, but it would make the world an infinitely better place if everyone thought and acted like there is

  • Jun 7, 2020

    My dad died last week, i'm not the biggest believer but i just hope he's alright wherever he is. I actually had a dream last night where i asked him if he was alright and he said yeah, it's pretty crazy

  • Jun 7, 2020

    I just wanna die already

    Negative energy

  • Jun 12, 2020

    Damn rip my condolences discman πŸ™ I lost my mom in 2014 and it still f***s me up from time to time.