my fingers look like knubs man
maybe moms was lookin out for you so you could finger some b****es
miserable woman
this aint even close to the worst thing she's done to me
I’m sorry. Hoping things get better for you
You people would cry yourself to sleep everyday if you had black parents lol I wish my life was this easy. “My mommy made me cut my nails 🥺”
nigga you sound rętarded
You people would cry yourself to sleep everyday if you had black parents lol I wish my life was this easy. “My mommy made me cut my nails 🥺”
maybe that's just your parents making your life miserable lmao
i was forced to take off my black nail polish but its whatever you’ll be out of there soon hopefully. Also tell her shes being homophobic lol
Like she f***ing cares lmao she’s calling her own son a f*
You people would cry yourself to sleep everyday if you had black parents lol I wish my life was this easy. “My mommy made me cut my nails 🥺”
nigga i am black 🤨
my mom has been making my life a living hell since i can remember. hitting me, screaming at me for almost no reason. a big reason why my confidence is so low
im black lmao
Just realized that you follow me sorry I take it back 😂😂 I didn’t mean it