  • Dec 7, 2020

    Ofc this mf is selling a book


  • Dec 7, 2020
    jordan at wizards

    whole parts of those countries a bureaucractic mess that couldn’t manage bus times but they got some entire MIB s*** going on

    Tbf the people that would be in these groups have no allegiance to country and it would be way more easy to organize like that

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Aliens would def be libertarians

  • Dec 7, 2020

    Aliens are whack bro who tf do they think they are

    Acting like they’re too good for us pshhh

  • Dec 7, 2020
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    What u mean

    Just becaus we can't see something doesn't mean it's not there

    we can't see Wi-Fi waves or radio waves but we know they exist, because our eyes are designed to only allow us to see visible light waves

    The same way our sensory organs and sense only allow us to detect 3 physical dimensions, but we know there exists higher levels of dimensions where for example you may be able to teleport through space and move through time, which is what you are actually able to do in those higher dimensions

    That's why when people report UFO sightings they see them kinda moving weirdly through the sky, they appear to be teleporting

    it's because they are not limited to moving in a straight line through space, they operate according to different laws so they can bend space

  • Dec 7, 2020
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    What u mean

    Just imagine a 2D being on a paper in front of you. You could see everything he does and they would only see you in their dimension as they can understand it. Now just transfer that logic to 3D and 4D. Or imagine how there are colors we cannot see bc our brain can’t translate those frequencies into something we understand, just that on a larger scale

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    "humanity is not ready for this so we cant talk about it but hol up let me just talk about it right quick"

  • Dec 7, 2020

    Sounds like BS

  • Dec 7, 2020

    According to posadists aliens would have to be SO advanced to reach us that if they were able to they would HAVE to be communists and thats kinda fax ngl 💯💯

  • Dec 7, 2020


    This guy is 87 years old

    He’s literally on the verge of death

    Why does it seem far fetched that he’s telling the truth?

    -selling a book means nothing btw look at Obama

  • Dec 7, 2020

    they felt humanity needed to "evolve and reach a stage where we will... understand what space and spaceships are,"

    Magical flyin uh

  • FlipFlop

    "humanity is not ready for this so we cant talk about it but hol up let me just talk about it right quick"

  • Dec 7, 2020

    bro just wanna talk his s*** before dying

  • Dec 7, 2020

    id love to smoke onewith an alien

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Bruh aliens reaching out and making deals with us is like a scientist walkin up to an anthill to make a deal with ants, foh with this nonsense

    Truth is if aliens rlly were in close proximity to us, we wouldn't even realize it. It's like a human looking at fish in a pond.

  • hot pancakes

    alex jones sold out to right wing nut cases and he has said some really insensitive, stupid s***, but he’s also been right about some things too, could he be right about aliens as well?

    the water is turning the frogs gay

  • I hope they bad

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Bruh aliens reaching out and making deals with us is like a scientist walkin up to an anthill to make a deal with ants, foh with this nonsense

    Truth is if aliens rlly were in close proximity to us, we wouldn't even realize it. It's like a human looking at fish in a pond.

    If ants were able to communicate with us we would def talk to them

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply
    First Take

    If ants were able to communicate with us we would def talk to them

    Yeah - I shouldve used a chimpanzee as an example.

  • Dec 7, 2020

    I believe him. I just hope I live long enough to see intelligent alien life forms one day.

  • Dec 7, 2020
    hot pancakes

    alex jones sold out to right wing nut cases and he has said some really insensitive, stupid s***, but he’s also been right about some things too, could he be right about aliens as well?

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Yeah - I shouldve used a chimpanzee as an example.

    Idk I think if any form of life was advanced enough we would have agreements with them. Like sure aliens would be more advanced but why would that stop them from talking to us

  • Dec 7, 2020

    I also think this dude is just lying though lol