Man you know it’s over when Obama loses his rizz and is doing s*** like this
You know it’s over when half of America is dumb enough to vote for an Authoritarian criminal who’s just running to stay out of prison and gets special treatment when any other citizen would be damn near under the jail right now.
Obama rapping about dropping bombs while Americans cheer
Yemen niggas:
This is craaaazy
Crossed my mind too though
You know it’s over when half of America is dumb enough to vote for an Authoritarian criminal who’s just running to stay out of prison and gets special treatment when any other citizen would be damn near under the jail right now.
A good chunk of these people know what their supporting, let's be honest. MAGA hats are just the new KKK Hoods at this point.
I didnt find it cringe really but i cnt wrap my head around a war criminal being cheered and applauded still but this is the country i liv in i guess and i got to gets used to it
You know they say the people ruling over us gotta hide their plans in plain sight… yeah that drop bombs s*** is exactly that
A good chunk of these people know what their supporting, let's be honest. MAGA hats are just the new KKK Hoods at this point.
Genuinely deranged post