LMAOOOO all 6 of us were up there, crazy.
embarrassing way to go out on my part lol
esp with the slow mo bc i was the last one left
wtf??? it said 3 players in 3 squads left i would have played it different if i knew a duo was still alive
@bitch_mob fort?
@bitch_mob mornin fortin?
@bitch_mob mornin fortin?
get in loser, we're going forting
when does the season in i have to remember to finish the season pass
when does the season in i have to remember to finish the season pass
i think like early dec
i think like early dec
bathroom break
i got a grocery delivery in like 10 minutes so might have to afk mid match @slutforkendrick
i got a grocery delivery in like 10 minutes so might have to afk mid match @slutforkendrick
we nearly won trios with the two of us just then think i can manage
gimmie 10 maybe 15 minutes
gimmie 10 maybe 15 minutes
ima go get groceries before this storm hits too hard ggs for now
also i take back what i said about lightsabers sucking i got like 6 kills with them that match
trick is to combine it with chrome splash and pop up swinging
ima go get groceries before this storm hits too hard ggs for now
forecast says its not raining till thursday
forecast says its not raining till thursday
it is in birmingham lol
we got it hitting for the next 24 hours, surprised it’s not moving over to y’all
it is in birmingham lol
we got it hitting for the next 24 hours, surprised it’s not moving over to y’all
oh you in alabama sorry to hear that