I’ll be on don’t listen to KTR
@Beautiful_Morning you seeing this
@Beautiful_Morning you seeing this
STOP TAGGING HIM he’s gonna call me an insult again
STOP TAGGING HIM he’s gonna call me an insult again
we gotta toughen you up soldier. no room for hurt feelings on the battle bus
we gotta toughen you up soldier. no room for hurt feelings on the battle bus
I’ll step on your shoes
already had you added
Are we doing duos or getting a full group?
not since it became legal for me to do so
nice though. Do you not like it now that it’s legal?
also @Keepthereceipt although if night's on idk if you could stand being the only one on mic
also @Keepthereceipt although if night's on idk if you could stand being the only one on mic
Gamepwner better plug in his mic
nice though. Do you not like it now that it’s legal?
i drank 14 shots of vodka on an empty stomach and never recovered if i'm being honest
i drank 14 shots of vodka on an empty stomach and never recovered if i'm being honest
I was gonna say we gotta do a shot every loss lol
I was gonna say we gotta do a shot every loss lol
i can still adhere to that we don't lose itt