@MyNight i was waiting for you to drive bc i knew the second i took the wheel s*** would go south lol
@Keepthereceipt 2nd place finish... we need that X factor
@Keepthereceipt 2nd place finish... we need that X factor
7th inning, too good to turn off.
got backdoored
got backdoored
sliding under the guy doing the kamehameha and shotgunning him to death before he could hit me was the coolest thing i've ever done in this game easily
7th inning, too good to turn off.
how long this bottom of the 8th gonna go man gd lol
how long this bottom of the 8th gonna go man gd lol
lol game pretty much cooked now ill get on if we got a squad
lol game pretty much cooked now ill get on if we got a squad
@NG fort?
k ready if/whenever you are
Sorry that took way longer than it should have
@bitch_mob fort?
let's go.
in the last week of picking it back up i managed to get wayyy better. we going tilted today, son.
in the last week of picking it back up i managed to get wayyy better. we going tilted today, son.
ain't played it like two weeks so i need to be put in the backpack.
ain't played it like two weeks so i need to be put in the backpack.
cali is the mission.