@NobodyWins i'll be waiting
@NobodyWins we fortin today?
i won't just keep saying 27-0 either like i'm sure some forters around these parts would
i won't just keep saying 27-0 either like i'm sure some forters around these parts would
They’re sad
@NobodyWins me and night on rn
Night can't clown you on mic
Get on
Driving home now
@NobodyWins gettin on
burst rifles are a scam
Everytime I see those hammer dudes run away from an ass whooping I be furious
Everytime I see those hammer dudes run away from an ass whooping I be furious
was playing squads and got down to me and one another guy in shattered slabs with hammers, ended up winning but it took like a full 60 seconds we were flying all over the place
don't like them in general though i miss hits so often/fuck up getting the drop on someone with a bounce
@NobodyWins today the day?
was about to hop off, i'll run like 2 or 3
@NobodyWins today the day? coward