we like Fortnite
You could not a Fort what I spend in a Nite
You can’t a Fort what I spend in a Nite
You can’t a Fort what I spend in a Nite
@op @yasiin @Beautiful_Morning @Boomerang need 1 in about a half hour
@op @yasiin @Beautiful_Morning @Boomerang need 1 in about a half hour
We’re going live now actually
getting on
Is there a squad tn? @op @Kr0niic @Keepthereceipt @Beautfiul_Morning @Fundamentals @DonJulio
Is there a squad tn? @op @Kr0niic @Keepthereceipt @Beautfiul_Morning @Fundamentals @DonJulio
Playing cod beta tonight but down for another night
Playing cod beta tonight but down for another night
Ur a beta
Ur a beta
I own your networth in vbucks
I own your networth in vbucks
Doesn’t matter when u have 1/10 of my victory royales
Doesn’t matter when u have 1/10 of my victory royales
I have 1000x your victory royals in fall guys
I have 1000x your victory royals in fall guys
Fall guys is lame pal
Is there a squad tn? @op @Kr0niic @Keepthereceipt @Beautfiul_Morning @Fundamentals @DonJulio
I could play
fort tn? @op @Kr0niic @Keepthereceipt @Beautfiul_Morning @Fundamentals @DonJulio
We don't fw beautfiul morning any more itt bro
@MyNight I havent played BR once this season so my apologies if I'm low on the learning curve
Still nearly completed the battle pass off Lego and festival though
that s*** give that much xp