lmao i got up to take a s***
lmao i got up to take a s***
i was sitting in the truck right by the van waiting for you to get in so we could drive somewhere safer and you never moved
dog what the f*** this b**** somehow threw me back a mile off the clocktower with no weapons and killed me im f***ing livid
uphill battle there
i need a break ggs
uphill battle there
i need a break ggs
thought they had 2 left if id known it was the 1 id have rushed as soon as i brought you back
thought they had 2 left if id known it was the 1 id have rushed as soon as i brought you back
lmao i thought it was 2 too but i forgot it counts yourself
i had clipped him for 32 and he had no shield, but the fire from the tree downed me again
@NG you getting on?
get on fort @Mechanical @WBW @Clamoa2
u need a mic man, you can't use headphones?
my airpods broke like a week ago, ima get another pair this weekend
my airpods broke like a week ago, ima get another pair this weekend
my bad on that last push lol missed all my shotgun shots
smh i wasted my kamehamehas too early
they aint even worth it like that
they aint even worth it like that
night said the exact same thing yesterday then next match i won us the game by killing the last remaining duo with it